
ALL THE NEWS FROM “telecoms”
BT kicks off trials of revolutionary new optical fibre
BT announced today that it has kicked off trials of a new type of optical fibre - hollow core fibre - at the BT Labs in Adastral Park, Ipswich, in a collaborative project with Lumenisity, a Southampton University spin out company, and Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) mobile vendor Mavenir.
News by " Maddyness UK
BT kicks off trials of revolutionary new optical fibre
Smartphones have become people’s homes: anthropologists
Smartphones have become the place where people “live”, a book published by University College London-led anthropologists suggests. With a specific focus on older adults, the team documented smartphone use in nine countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.
Portfolio by " Nicola Watts
Smartphones have become people’s homes: anthropologists
Electronic waste arrives in Africa in the form of ‘donations’
A loophole sees rich countries sending e-waste over to the African continent. We speak to scrap dealers and upcyclers in Ghana and Zambia about what happens next, and what needs to change.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
Electronic waste arrives in Africa in the form of ‘donations’
AI-powered video networking platform connects solopreneurs around the world
Founding and operating a business alone can be both rewarding and lonely. Many don’t have connections with entrepreneurs in a similar position and with a lack of team behind them, the experience can become isolating.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
AI-powered video networking platform Meeow connects solopreneurs around the world
Lockheed Martin chooses ABL rocket for launches
Aerospace giant Lockheed Martin has selected the rocket it will use to kick-start space launches from the island of Unst in Shetland. The vehicle, called the RS1, will be provided by ABL Space Systems of El Segundo, California. If everything comes together, an inaugural flight could occur next year. Lockheed is looking to stimulate the launch business in the UK to take advantage of a rapidly expanding market for small satellites.
News by " January Barnes
Lockheed Martin chooses ABL rocket for launches
Innovative mobile channels reinvent customer and business interactions
A customer wants to talk with brands like they do with their peers. The stakes of getting this wrong are high for companies, as it becomes trickier to retain increasingly demanding users.
Tools by " Maddyness, with smsmode
Protests driven by tech and social media
It’s 2014 in Mexico and Jorge Ríos, Diego García and Roberto Betancourt have created Bidgefy. It’s a clever messaging app available for Android and iOS that allows users to communicate via a mesh network that sends messages over Bluetooth.
Decoding by " Tali Ramsey

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