
ALL THE NEWS FROM “telecoms”
How VoIP solutions can lead to better cost outcomes for businesses
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions have revolutionised how businesses communicate, offering a host of features that traditional phone systems can’t match. Implementing VoIP can significantly enhance your business operations, improve customer interactions, and drive growth.
Tools by " George Mathew
Meet Honest, the network doing mobile right
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Andy Aitken, co-founder and CEO of Honest about disrupting the telecoms industry, putting purpose at the centre of a business and why customers should be proud of the mobile network.
Portfolio by " Andy Aitken
Meet Honest, the network doing mobile right
Why startups should lead the charge for a greener future
Consumer attitudes towards sustainability are changing. According to a 2022 survey, two-thirds of people in the UK now consider the environmental impact of what they buy. Nine in every ten believe it’s important for companies to ‘do social good’ and have a reputation for doing so, making ethical practices a key ingredient for business success.
Decoding by " Andy Aitken
Are businesses moving towards messengers over apps?
Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the world adapted to social distancing measures and lockdowns, we saw a worldwide shift towards digitalisation. Businesses rapidly learned that if they wanted to stay afloat, they would need new digital strategies to connect with consumers.
Opinion by " Alex Froom
How businesses can use live shopping to increase sales
Meet Cuckoo, the innovative broadband provider disrupting the sector
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Alex Fitzgerald, founder and CEO of Cuckoo Broadband, about its fresh approach to the broadband market, focusing on customer service and giving back to those in need.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Meet Cuckoo, the innovative broadband provider disrupting the sector
How the next big change in UK telecoms will benefit sole traders
You might have heard – the UK traditional phone network is about to become a thing of the past. Essentially BT Openreach is aiming to transfer more than 14 million legacy phones from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to internet-based, digital services by the end of 2025.
Decoding by " Sara Sheikh
How the next big change in UK telecoms will benefit sole traders
The UK phone network is on its way out: is your business ready?
The phone network as we know it’s on its way out. In a move to embrace fully internet-based communications, Openreach (a division of BT) is phasing out the public switched telephone network (PSTN) at the end of 2025. A while away, you might think, but changes are happening as we speak.
Decoding by " Sara Sheikh
The UK phone network is on its way out: is your business ready?
The biggest change in the UK telephone network that (almost) no one is talking about
We’re all familiar with the copper wire telephone network: in use since 1876, it’s kept business communications going for years. Since its invention, the public switch telephone network (PSTN) has seen a lot of changes: it's gone from manual switching, which required a human operator, to electronic switching; from just simple copper wires to fibre cables and cellular networks.
Decoding by " Sara Sheikh
The biggest change in the UK telephone network that (almost) no one is talking about
The telephone is still the king of customer support, so why aren't SMEs using it?
Office landlines will be extinct by the end of the decade according to the latest Ofcom data. For many SMEs, this will come as no surprise: in 2021, there’s no shortage of channels through which to contact a business.
Tools by " Maddyness, with AnswerConnect
The telephone is still the king of customer support, so why aren't SMEs using it?
Meet Airalo, the eSIM store looking to transform how you connect abroad
Have you ever been stung by a hefty data bill after a holiday? Abraham Burak, cofounder of Airalo, the world’s first eSIM store, wants to make that a thing of the past. We spoke to Abraham about his journey to becoming a founder, their impressive Series A round, and the perks of an Uber-style business model.
Portfolio by " Maddyness, with Wayra
The value of adding new revenue streams to your business
Neil Taylor, head of direct partner sales at Gamma, discusses the company’s Dealer Partner model, diversifying a business offering to maximise revenue, and the big changes coming to the industry in 2025.
Decoding by " Maddyness, with Gamma
The value of adding new revenue streams to your business
Count on the cloud: protect your data in the post-pandemic world
Starting up a new business in the pandemic and post-pandemic world can be daunting. After the uncertainty of the past 18 months and the changes that the global crisis has made to everyone’s daily lives, now is the perfect time to take a step back, and look at how your business is using – and protecting – its most critical asset: data.
Opinion by " Jonathan Bowl
Count on the cloud: Protect your data in the post-pandemic world
Digital inclusion needed to drive network-wide sustainability
It is one thing to talk about sustainability, but practical solutions are needed in order to really make a difference. If we truly want to extend the life of the planet, achieve net-zero emissions and build a better country for future generations, we need to enhance the physical infrastructure around us.
Opinion by " Peter Bachmann
Digital inclusion needed to drive network-wide sustainability
5G technology to boost Welsh tourism and agriculture
After a tough year for business, tourism and farming, Wales will now collectively benefit from 5G technology developed by a British startup. Thanks to government funding, UtterBerry aims to revolutionise efficiency and sustainability within the sectors via 5G technology.
News by " Abby Wallace
5G technology to boost Welsh tourism and agriculture

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