
Here’s what investors want to see in your startup’s product
The world was not ready for the iPhone in 1993 when Apple launched it’s ill-fated Newton. I have a huge amount of empathy for the founder who is too early, too narrow, or too buggy. One of my startup war stories is about the company three of us founded that was YouTube a couple years before YouTube. We had the tech and a product and revenue, but we couldn’t get the funding. It was our own fault, because we were too green to position and pitch it properly.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Here’s what investors want to see in your startup’s product
Blue skies not January blues, a COVID Diary from NOTWICS
Over a month into 2021 and it is shaping up to be an interesting year. NOTWICS have spent the start of the year consulting with leading VCs and Angels in the UK to understand and report on the sentiment around the early stage tech scene in the UK. Unlike the doom and gloom of the previous reports compiled during lockdown, there are now some very clear and bright signs emerging in the seed, Series A and bridge stages.
Decoding by " Chris Lowe
How you can use XR tech to achieve your business goals
With 2021 now well underway, now is a moment to pause and consider exactly how you are going to achieve those ambitious goals you set out in January.
Opinion by " Dr Alex Young
Challenging what great looks like, a profile of Kindred Capital
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we hear from Kindred Capital.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Finally, a middle-screen webcam and somewhere to organise events that isn't Facebook
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Tools by " Maddyness
Finally, a middle-screen webcam and somewhere to organise events that isn't Facebook
Nearly £300M raised this week for microlearning, robotics and vaccine tech
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Smart office rental platform uses Airbnb-style model to target remote working
Tired of working from your kitchen table? Leanne Beesley, CEO at Nooka, tells Maddyness UK why the office rental platform she cofounded could be the answer to more productive and focused remote working.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Nooka remote working office space
Cool Runnings: corporate objectives for 2021
They lived on an island with an average temperature of 30°C. They had no training gear, no experience, and no coach. Yet, they set an impossible goal: join the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Whether you’re inspired by the actual story or the movie, Cool Runnings will help you set the tone for 2021.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
Sustainability news gets a tech makeover with new launches from Curation
Maddyness caught up with Sandy Jayaraj, the new CEO of Curation. The company has gone through a major rebrand and positioning within the technology space. Having been around for more than seven years, Curation was looking to scale at growth.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Sandy Jayaraj is the new CEO of Curation.
Why skill-based mentorship is the need of the hour to advance women in tech
Mentorship has traditionally been defined as a formal, reciprocal relationship between an advance-career and an early-career professional in a work setting. Many Fortune 500 companies offer mentoring programs (Boeing, Caterpillar and Bain and Company are just a few, according to Together); many medium and smaller-sized companies still do not have access to any such initiatives, even today.
Decoding by " Naimeesha Murthy
How startups get suckered: The Pitch Contest - when entrepreneurs become a sideshow
In 20+ years of founding and selling companies, advising entrepreneurs and executives, and even back when I used to invest in startups, I’ve seen way too many entrepreneurs — both young and old, both fresh and experienced — fall for some of the same sketchy shit over and over again.
Opinion by " Joe Procopio
Dawn Capital predicts the categories that will break out in 2021
What will be the most underrated category for investment this year? Game-changing to enterprises, but a corner of B2B software that not enough people are talking about (yet)?
Opinion by " Dawn Capital
Microsoft takes a small step to carbon negativity
Climeworks is among the climate-focused firms receiving investment from Microsoft, supporting the technology giant’s efforts to hit its 2030 target to become carbon negative. The investment will aid Climeworks’ plans to increase deployment of its carbon-removing technology. Microsoft also announced two more investments from its $1bn Climate Innovation Fund – Congruent Ventures and the Southeast Asia Clean Energy Facility. (Axios)
News by " Sustt by Curation
Five finance objectives every startup must prioritise in 2021
It’s typical for startups to create their finance processes on the fly. You likely have no CFO or Head of Finance, and building a customer base feels more important than having sound internal policies.
Tools by " Guy Solomon

Maddyness Factory

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