The UK tech sector is growing fast, but a representation and investment gap remains for minority groups. Tech Nation is hoping to combat unequal representation in UK tech with its Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit.
The 2008 global financial crisis invigorated growth and buzz around the sharing economy, which has given birth to global sharing giants like Uber, Airbnb, WeWork, and swathes of sharing-based startups. But over a decade on, can we say that the sharing economy has been a failure?
Take a few minutes to think about what you’re selling. The tech behind your product is probably pretty slick. But you’re probably selling that technology, and that needs to change.
With early-stage startups weathering the storm created by the global pandemic in one way or another, a new fund targeting the group is set to change the course for 60 lucky businesses.
The North/South divide is never far from the political and economic agenda. Levelling up, the Northern Powerhouse, infrastructure spending, big bang investments: these are just a few of the ways it’s been talked about this year.
It will surprise no-one to learn that the pandemic has radically altered the way business works in Britain. The most notable development is wide-scale digitalisation.
In my line of work, as a Tech Journalist and Media expert, I come into contact with first time founders and CEO’s on a daily basis. One of the common reigning challenges many face is when and how to launch, scale and exit. Unless of course you’re building a legacy and therefore an exit is not on the roadmap. But most importantly something most first time and even seasoned CEO’s struggle to perfect is the art of delegation. Especially when starting out.
Before we get into this, I’m going to first clarify that you should do everything in your power to satisfy every single one of your customers. It’s hard to argue against making customers happy, but I’m going to do it anyway, because living by the rule that the customer is always right is a dangerous game when you’re trying to innovate.
What’s in common between backlinks and SEO? To start with, backlink building is one of two major parts of search engine optimisation: on-site SEO (managing keywords and their density, placing internal links, doing dozens of other tasks under direct control) and external SEO (it’s under indirect influence which is still manageable, but sees your website as part of the Internet community).
The global startup ecosystem axis has fundamentally shifted over the past 12 months. The pandemic has been a test for all nations, cities and global entrepreneurial communities.
Talking bespoke hair analysis, how food can impact hair health, and perfecting customer research with the CEO of That Good Hair.
There’s no worse feeling for an entrepreneur than pushing a brilliant idea all the way though execution and then launching that new product or feature to dead silence. But oddly enough, we entrepreneurs tend to do this a lot. In fact, I just did it again myself. Even after building over a dozen startups over a couple decades, I still dive right into this trap headfirst.
As venture capitalists, we are afforded insights into the challenges, opportunities, and new markets that today’s founders are tackling at the earliest possible opportunity. This gives VCs an unprecedented opportunity to witness innovative, market-defining technologies at their genesis.
Talking the benefits of green action, training teachers in climate literacy, and working with Europe's leading tech-for-good investor with the founder of EcoSpot.