
Twelve universities join forces to launch impact investment fund
With mission-driven companies increasingly out-performing more traditional business models, twelve universities have come together to meet the demand for early-stage finance among university social ventures.
News by " Abby Wallace
Twelve universities join forces to launch impact investment fund
Audio branding: heard any great businesses lately?
How does a business build a sonic identity for your brand? There is a well-understood visual language where text and colour can be used to evoke specific moods and drive us act, such as clicking a link to view more information about a product or service. How can audio enhance these messages?
Decoding by " David Howell
Audio branding: heard any great businesses lately?
Is the future of the workplace hybrid?
It’s been said before, but I guess we’re going to say it again… sometimes it takes something as radical as a pandemic to really sort stuff out and understand what really works and what doesn’t.
Opinion by " Jill Farmer
Is the future of the workplace hybrid?
Parcel Tracker goes green
Online deliveries have increased dramatically within the last year. But with ecommerce skyrocketing, parcel tracking and delivery companies should consider how packages can be delivered sustainably. For this reason, Parcel Tracker has announced the launch of its new carbon-neutral programme that offsets the emissions created by online deliveries.
News by " Abby Wallace
Parcel Tracker goes green
Doritos and Poplar Studio to use AR tech in a campaign to encourage live music fans back to events
With a lack of in-person events, including festivals, gigs and live music, brands have been looking at alternate ways to recreate popular experiences through digital-first solutions. AR technology has proven to be invaluable in creating interactive online experiences to be enjoyed from home.
News by " Abby Wallace
Doritos and Poplar Studio to use AR tech in a campaign to encourage live music fans back to events
How can the gambling industry overcome online marketing limitations?
The gambling industry has made big moves to support its customer base with measures to help prevent gambling becoming problematic. But with huge limitations on marketing and advertising for such websites, the regulations make it difficult to create a new community of customers.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK, with Lottoland
How can the gambling industry overcome online marketing limitations?
How two young entrepreneurs are serving up a new era of smart hospitality
The hospitality sector has struggled during the pandemic. Now, the added pressure of losing workers from across Europe, alongside the number of staff still on furlough has created a perfect storm for the sector.
News by " Abby Wallace
How two young entrepreneurs are serving up a new era of smart hospitality
Value add to entrepreneurs and investors, a portrait of Isomer Capital
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we speak to Isomer Capital.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Teeth straightening, fashion rentals and AI content moderation make the headlines in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Entrepreneurs often dream of breaking in to the vast U.S. market to sell their goods and services
For an entrepreneur accustomed to conducting business in English, a transition to the U.S. market is particularly appealing given the ability to use existing technical, sales and marketing materials. In this article, Stephan Grynwajc explains what to prepare for when planning a successful entry into the U.S. market.
Decoding by " Stephan Grynwajc
Entrepreneurs often dream of breaking in to the vast U.S. market to sell their goods and services
New research from Harvard Business Review and Apptio reveals increased spending in business technology
As retailers and services locked down in the spring of 2020, business leaders were forced to adjust to conducting business and connecting with customers from a distance. Over a year later, as the global economy emerges from the pandemic, the same business leaders are applying the digital skills and operations they developed and implemented as a result of the crisis to various areas of the business model.
News by " Abby Wallace
New research from Harvard Business Review and Apptio reveals increased spending in business technology
How embracing anywhere can help you future-proof your business today
The world has changed irrevocably in the past 18 months. To say we’ve all adjusted might be a stretch. There’s still a distinct sense of suspended animation - as if we’re all waiting for normality to return. But, there will be no return to normality, simply an adjustment of what normality means.
Tools by " Ben Graham
10 strategies to maintain the benefits of a team working remotely
When running a business today, online presence is everything
Google is about to turn everyone’s world upside down with a major Page Experience Algorithm Update, with its much-anticipated Core Web Vitals becoming ranking signals from mid-June. This won’t actually come into full force in search rankings until the end of August—so you have a little more time to get ready, but not much!
Opinion by " Tal Lev-Ami
When running a business today, online presence is everything
Top 10 most active games investors in Europe
From the cold shores of Iceland and Finland (Mainframe, Supercell) to the bustling Bazaar's of Istanbul (Peak Games), Europe is home to the present and future of global video games. It's no secret that Europe has led the charge on global Video Game (especially mobile) development.
Tools by " RLC Ventures
Top 10 most active games investors in Europe

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