
Oxford’s tech scene booms as investment doubles in just one year
Despite the economic hit of the pandemic, VC investment into Oxford’s thriving tech scene has almost doubled in the last year, with insights from Tech Nation showing $1.173B invested this year alone versus $504.7M in 2020.
Portfolio by " Sasha Mills
Oxford’s tech scene booms as investment doubles in just one year
UK consumers will only make purchases with responsible brands online
A new study has revealed that a significant number of online shoppers in the UK are only willing to make purchases from responsible brands.
News by " Abby Wallace
UK online shoppers will only associate with responsible brands
The Green Rush: how technology investment is key to combating climate change
The pandemic has brought renewed focus on the topic of sustainability. While the COVID-19 lockdowns resulted in a steep dip in greenhouse gas emissions, 2020 was still considered the worst year for climate-related disasters, with record-breaking temperatures around the globe, months of disastrous wildfires that engulfed most of California and Australia, and a record hurricane season in the Caribbean,
Opinion by " Benjamin Pring
The Green Rush: how technology investment is key to combating climate change
How much money does it take to start a successful company?
You can’t start a business without a lot of money. The question no one ever answers is: How much? So let’s talk about that. Whether you’re bootstrapping or raising capital, these are the numbers you need to hit.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
How much money does it take to start a successful company?
LSE Generate: Building resilience will fast track your business' success
The past year saw life as we know it change in many aspects, from our personal lives through to our professional ones. And as COVID-19 caused the UK to plunge into the deepest recession on record, data from the Office of National Statistics also found that more than 900,000 small businesses in the UK are at risk of failing due to the pandemic.
Opinion by " LJ Silverman
LSE Generate: Resilience is the key to making your business thrive
Yeah… we haven’t spent that much to make the planet better after Covid
The failure of national governments to pursue a green economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic could push greenhouse gas emissions to their highest level ever in 2023, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). This would put the world off the track of limiting global warming to 1.5C, which requires emissions to fall by 50% by the end of this decade.
Portfolio by " Marc Height
Yeah… we haven’t spent that much to make the planet better after Covid
Navigating the scale-up journey, a profile of ScaleUp Capital
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Simon Philips CEO of ScaleUp Capital.
Portfolio by " Simon Philips
Navigating the scale-up journey, a profile of ScaleUp Capital
Personal care products, electric vehicles and plant-based meals in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
First ‘Influencer Income Survey’ reveals average monthly income for social media influencers
As more people than ever are spending time online, social media has become a significant platform for influencers and creators globally to boost their income in the past 18 months.
News by " Maddyness UK
First ‘Influencer Income Survey’ reveals average monthly income for social media influencers
The game’s afoot! Decoding problems to solve sales with Caroline Franczia and Sherlock Holmes
What do prospects want the most? They want you to make their time worthwhile. They need return on time invested before even thinking about return on investment. Better to investigate in advance to see if there is a fire and save everyone’s time rather than jumping straight into the merry dance of demos, POCs, and more. And who is better at investigating and deliberating than the famous or infamous Sherlock Holmes.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
The game’s afoot! Decoding problems to solve sales with Caroline Franczia and Sherlock Holmes
Over one in four over 50s faced issues accessing online services during lockdown
As face-to-face services shut down during the pandemic, we began to access services such as healthcare and retail online. More and more over 50s are having to make the switch, but a large number of these ‘silver surfers’ are struggling to adjust.
News by " Abby Wallace
Over one in four over 50s faced issues accessing services online during lockdown
The top 10 virtual and in-person work benefits (that people actually want!)
As the UK adapts their traditional ways of working, post-pandemic, to suit more flexible, hybrid work styles, business leaders have to rethink the ways they value their employees. Many companies will agree that people are their most important asset, and employee benefits are a key way of demonstrating their investment in their employees’ health, happiness and future.
Tools by " Alex Hind
The top 10 virtual and in-person work benefits (that people actually want!)
Government programme offering £375M opens for investor applications
The Breakthrough programme, announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak at budget 2021, is now open for applications. The UK-wide programme will deliver £375M of government funding via British Patient Capital, a commercial subsidy of the British Business Bank, to the breakthrough technology sector.
News by " Maddyness UK
Breakthrough opens for investor applications
First-time funding rounds in the UK fall for the second consecutive year
The number of first-time funding rounds into UK seed-stage startups has declined in 2020, for the second consecutive year. The data, commissioned by the UK’s most active seed-stage investor, SFC Capital, has revealed that the number is now 36% below the 2018 peak for such rounds.
News by " Maddyness UK
First-time funding rounds in UK falls for the second consecutive year

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