
Why you shouldn’t call yourself a thought leader
So before I start slandering this thing we call thought leadership, let’s make one thing clear: it’s generally a concept I approve of. In fact, I think it’s great. I just don’t think you should call yourself one. By all means, apply the principles. Just call it something else. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet as Shakespeare’s Juliet would say.
Opinion by " Harry Prince
Why you shouldn’t call yourself a thought leader
Spacetech, subscription-based phone leases and an immense round for Revolut in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
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Consumer startup community Life+ Collective launches grant for underrepresented founders
Founders from underrepresented backgrounds do not have access to typical tech networks, and struggle to raise money from traditional routes, including VCs. Now, Life+ Collective hopes to help founders overcome the funding barriers standing in the way of their businesses and ideas through the launch of its new grant programme.
News by " Maddyness UK
Life+ Collective launches £140k funding programme for underrepresented founders
70% of Franco-British businesses still experiencing delays six months after Brexit
Franco-British businesses are still reporting delays in cross-channel commerce six months after regulatory changes came into being. The French Chamber of Great Britain has launched a new tool to help you track trading patterns.
News by " Abby Wallace
70 per cent of Franco-British businesses still experiencing delays six months after Brexit
Study reveals gender bias in predictive text algorithms
Text is an important way to keep in touch, and has been especially crucial in the last 18 months. Many rely on predictive text to keep up with their communications, but a recent report by Uswitch has revealed that the algorithms we rely on are perpetuating gender biases on the devices we use daily.
News by " Abby Wallace
Study reveals gender bias in predictive text algorithms
DN Capital launches £220M fund to shape post-pandemic world
Businesses are now making the most of the surge in digital adoption, creating new technologies which will drive global recovery. DN Capital’s Fund V will support this mission, backing new businesses in the period of post-pandemic recovery.
News by " Maddyness UK
DN Capital launches £220M fund to shape post-pandemic world
How to retain your culture as a fast-growth startup
Most startups are laser focused on one thing: growth. But rapid growth can come with its own set of challenges. When your team expands quickly it can change the ethos and dynamic of an organisation, meaning it can become harder to retain your ethics, cultural values and sense of control as a founder.
Tools by " Dr Alex Young
How to retain your culture as a fast-growth startup
Dawn Capital promotes Mina Mutafchieva to partner
In a move which will sustain gender balance across the company, Dawn Capital has recently promoted experienced investor, Mina Mutafchieva to Partner.
News by " Abby Wallace
Dawn Capital promotes Mina Mutafchieva to Partner
Global venture capital crushing records as 2021 dubbed the year of startups
An expansion in online time and services has meant that investment in startups is skyrocketing across the globe, led by the tech sector. Crushing records in only 6 months, the rapid growth in investment means companies are now maturing and expanding into new markets globally.
News by " Maddyness
Global venture capital is crushing records as 2021 dubbed the year of startups
Brand and deliver: investing in NextGen purpose-driven startups, a profile of Redrice
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Tom March, founder of Redrice.
Portfolio by " Tom March
tom March Redrice
Prime Minister opens Bulb HQ in London
As more companies globally become interested in Green Energy, UK leader in the sector, Bulb, has welcomed Prime Minister Boris Johnson to open the London HQ. The visit comes as the company prepares to launch a new internship scheme for young people interested in green tech.
News by " Maddyness UK
Prime Minister opens Bulb headquarters in London
Northern Affinity launches ‘My Northern Christmas’ campaign to support North’s bounce back
As Christmas parties moved online in 2020, the hospitality industry suffered huge losses. In order to help businesses bounce back, The Northern Affinity is bringing the profitable Christmas period to the summer.
News by " Abby Wallace
Northern Affinity Launches ‘My Northern Christmas’ Campaign to Support North’s Bounce Back
Sustainable biomanufacturing, student finance and flight-free travel in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
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Female-led businesses are facing an investment slump
Angel investors are key to the early growth of a business, providing not only significant financial backing but also advice and guidance. But data provider mnAI has recently revealed that the number of women employed in investment has dropped dramatically over the past five years, meaning that female-led businesses have also seen an investment slump.
News by " Abby Wallace
mnAI reveals female-led businesses see decrease in funding from investors

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