
For founders by founders: What founders are using and recommending this month #3
With Founders by Founders - or #FBF - discover the exclusive list of what founders are reading, drinking, and doing this month.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
The AI advantage: Elevate your email marketing game to new heights!
Email marketing is a constant fixture in the ever-changing subject of advertising techniques, as seen with the aid of its proven efficacy. The world of email campaigns is constantly changing, much like the digital global. But synthetic intelligence (AI) is the latest sport-changer in this subject, much like it is supporting the evolution of various fields.
Tools by " Evelyn Johnson
The AI advantage: Elevate your email marketing game to new heights!
5 strategies for effective transformation in the IT industry
One of the biggest misconceptions about this is that since you’re already in the IT industry, innovation and change are second nature. This is both true and false.
Portfolio by " George Mathew
5 strategies for effective transformation in the IT industry
NovaSquare, helping streamers engage with their audience on Twitch
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Mathieu Bayou, CEO & cofounder of NovaSquare about empowering creators to engage with their audience, human-to-AI interaction and the importance of listening.
Portfolio by " Mathieu Bayou
NovaSquare, helping streamers engage with their audience on Twitch
Innovations in CX shaping the future of hospitality
The world of hospitality rarely stays still. Fuelled by shifts in customer demand and an ever-evolving world of technology, the business models for hotels, bars, restaurants, and cafes are constantly moving to keep up with the times. But how does this affect the customer experience?
Opinion by " Daniel Groves
Innovations in CX shaping the future of hospitality
Meet Boardwave, the social enterprise connecting European software leaders
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Phill Robinson, Founder and CEO of Boardwave, about sharing knowledge, social purpose and the rocky road to success.
Portfolio by " Phill Robinson
Phill Robinson
Show is going on: Gen Z is embracing the analogue music experience
Recent survey from Key Production has revealed that the proportion of people listening to physical music is greatest amongst Generation Z (ages 18-24).
News by " Paul Ferretti
Karen Emanuel
The next step in document management has to be true document intelligence
With sentient document-level AI, finding and accessing relevant information will become much more efficient, technologist and author of Thingalytics Dr. John Bates explains.
Opinion by " Dr John Bates
John Bate
London, Everything you need to know about Europe’s number one startup hub
No other European city compares to London in terms of volume of startup activity. Here’s the lowdown of the best London has to offer to founders
Decoding by " Maddyness, with The British Embassy in Paris
London, Everything you need to know about Europe’s number one startup hub
Why financial institutions’ attempts to close the gender funding gap are falling short
Acknowledging the gender funding gap and addressing it are two different things. In recent years, there has been acknowledgement and some attempts to close the gap. However, the playing field is far from being levelled for aspiring female entrepreneurs.
Opinion by " Ildiko Almasi Simsic
Why financial institutions’ attempts to close the gender funding gap are falling short
Sentient LLMs: What to test, for consciousness, in Generative AI
An approach to measure or compare consciousness is the mind of a mean healthy individual, whose brain is at full maturation, who is awake and alert.
Opinion by " David Stephen
Building Bridges: Empowering leaders to forge strong work cultures through connectedness
Work is an important part of who we are, we may differ in how much it shapes our identity, but most people need to feel they are contributing, or that what they do and where they spend their time means something.
Opinion by " Professor Lynda Holt
Lynda Holt
Tangent, because your social class shouldn't determine your success
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Gary Izunwa, Co-Founder of Tangent, about employee referral, social mobility and finding hidden gems.
Portfolio by " Gary Izunwa
Gary Izunwa
Manchester, the engine room of the Northern startup powerhouse
The Northern city is cementing its place as the UK’s biggest tech hub outside of London, attracting capital, talent, and ambitious entrepreneurs in the process.
Decoding by " Maddyness, with The British Embassy in Paris
Manchester, the engine room of the Northern startup powerhouse

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