
The app keeping people safe in the streets: Maddyness speaks to Safe Places
If we feel we are in danger, we might call someone nearby for help. Today, a growing number of technologies are being developed to help us do this. Apps and online services can now provide quick access to local addresses, emergency contacts and public safety information, helping us feel safe while we’re out on the streets.
News by " Abby Wallace
The app keeping people safe in the streets: Maddyness speaks to Safe Places
What the heck is revenue architecture?
It’s 2021, and many companies have already hired a Chief Revenue Officer. But, for most startups and scale-ups, the notion of revenue is still all about having a well-oiled sales machine. In this piece, I have revived Hannibal Smith (aka CRO) and his A-team through the customer-facing departments. If you have a problem that no one else can solve. Maybe you can hire the A Team.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
Dentists-on-demand, ecommerce fulfilment and intelligent gifting in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Launch Mappers explore how companies reach hypergrowth with a new report
We're currently seeing a fundamental change in how early-stage businesses are reaching hypergrowth. In the past, most startups focused their marketing efforts on Search Ads and Paid Socials following their product launch phase. But today's unicorns are bucking that trend.
Opinion by " David Odier & Nour Hassaine
Launch Mappers explore how companies reach hypergrowth with a new report
Personal and financial worlds are colliding, and young people are driving the change
The idea that your financial life is different to your personal life is now somewhat illogical in the investment world. It’s a trend that has struck James Purcell, head of sustainable investing at Quintet Private Bank. Observing how financial investments have meaningful real-world impact, James is acutely aware of the latest trends in sustainable investing, and who is driving them.
Decoding by " Abby Wallace
Personal and financial worlds are colliding, and young people are driving the change
5 steps to tackle your board's diversity problem the right way
Boardrooms conjure up images of older, middle-class white men. When you look at the statistics, it’s easy to see why.
Portfolio by " Khyati Sundaram
5 steps to tackle your board's diversity problem the right way
Marketing your startup begins with your product, not your pitch
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup (#69), I answered a question from an entrepreneur who needed to make a decision about the marketing direction for his new product — one that was on its way to the minimum viable product stage (MVP).
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Marketing your startup begins with your product, not your pitch
BT trials drone and AI technology at Southampton port
BT has successfully completed an automated drone trial at the Port of Southampton in partnership with Associated British Ports (ABP) and RoboK.
News by " Maddyness UK
BT trials drone and AI technology at Southampton port
Building "companies of consequence", a profile of Sapphire Ventures
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we speak to Annalise Dragic Principal at Sapphire Ventures.
Portfolio by " Annalise Dragic
Building companies of consequence, a profile of Sapphire Ventures
Finance, fintechs, men's sexual wellbeing and biomarkers in this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Life planning platform helps users simplify their post-death affairs for loved ones
Maddyness UK speaks to Ian Dibb, founder of Keylu (formerly Once I've Gone), about why he launched the platform, how we can overcome the taboo of discussing death and why it’s important to have personal affairs in order as soon as possible.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Life planning platform helps users simplify their post-death affairs for loved ones
The challenges that come with scaling globally, and how to overcome them
Most founders want their startup to scale quickly and become profitable or go public. But rapid growth can be both a blessing and a curse, particularly if you’re scaling overseas. Fast growth means your business is heading in the right direction and your strategy is working. But when it happens at such a rate where it becomes difficult to manage or unsustainable, it can present a fresh set of challenges.
Opinion by " Deyan Dimitrov
The challenges that come with scaling globally, and how to overcome them
What is the science behind purpose?
Can purpose be measured? Can it be tracked and used as a predictive metric like any other business measures? When BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink said, “Without a sense of purpose, no company can achieve its full potential,” what is the evidence for this?
Opinion by " John Rosling
What is the science behind purpose?
Startup leaders: You’re probably lacking this critical skill
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup (#68), I answered a question from a former corporate leader turned first-time entrepreneur about how to deal with the loss of a key employee for an indeterminate length of time for personal reasons.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Startup leaders: You’re probably lacking this critical skill

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