
Why mentors are the key to successful teams
As Richard Branson once remarked, "If you ask any successful businessperson, they will always have had a great mentor at some point along the road."
Opinion by " Lucci Levi
Why mentors are the key to successful teams
Let’s have an honest talk about shady startup investment
“Is this investor for real?” I get that question a lot. Definitely more than I should. Because my answer is always the same and it’s always some form of “I don’t know.”
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Let’s have an honest talk about shady startup investment
7 tech startups from Cornwall to watch
When most people think of Cornwall, they might bring to mind spectacular beaches, rolling surf, Cornish pasties or cream teas. But what people might not know about is the thriving tech scene that is producing some seriously exciting businesses. 
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
7 startups to watch in Cornwall
Planet friendly toothpaste, hospitality apps and sustainable shopping in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
The fight to save freelance workers
Although freelancers make up more than four million people, a massive part of the British economy, they have long been undervalued and overlooked. Being self-employed can offer flexibility and autonomy in a number of varied sectors. However, significant stigma and snobbery around self-employment remains.
Opinion by " Derek Reynolds
The fight to save freelance workers
The hard truth of knowing when to wind down your startup
Every good entrepreneur starts a new business with the best of intentions. And every good entrepreneur — even the best of them — will face more than one moment during their tenure as a company leader when they wonder if this whole startup thing might have been such a great idea after all.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
The hard truth of knowing when to wind down your startup
Meet The Washing Machine Project, who want to be "the Dyson of the humanitarian world.”
Nav Sawhney and his team hope the manual washing machine will allow women to spend more time educating themselves, working or spending time with loved ones.
Portfolio by " Abby Wallace
“We want to be the Dyson of the humanitarian world”: meet The Washing Machine Project
5 side hustles that pay you in cryptocurrency
From putting your skills to work to playing online games for money to creating passive income streams that will help you reach financial freedom, the possibilities to earn extra income are endless. However, if you're interested in getting paid in cryptos, things tend to narrow down considerably.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
5 Side hustles that pay you in cryptos
Social networks need to convert passive viewers into motivated creators
Digital media is a tricky phenomenon. It expands the growth of the economy, provides people with new forms of income, and fosters connection, but it can also facilitate bullying, harassment and cause mental health problems.
Opinion by " Anton Volovyk
How businesses can use live shopping to increase sales
The investor and startup relationship goes both ways – you must woo each other
Investors have traditionally been seen as intimidating entities who entrepreneurs must dance for, cap in hand, to raise funds. But times have changed rapidly.
Opinion by " Jeffrey Faustin
Low-code platforms are the flavour of the season – and they’re here to stay
Are influencers the key to customer-centric marketing?
In the world of marketing, trends, techniques and norms change frequently. Techniques that were considered as the key players have faded with new ones taking over the market. There is a popular saying, "there are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen.”
Tools by " Evelyn Johnson
Are influencers the key to customer centric marketing?
Learn these simple startup skills to fast-track growth
Are you good at inbound marketing? Would you consider yourself technically proficient? Have you ever closed a high-dollar sale? Could you balance your company’s books in a pinch?
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Learn these simple startup skills to fast-track growth
How will gig companies tackle harassment as more women adopt delivery roles? 
Draft legislation recently published by the European Commission, would require companies in the EU employing gig economy workers to prove that they are employees. This would ensure they have access to sick pay, holidays and other employment rights.
" Fred Fullerton
How will gig companies tackle harassment as more women adopt delivery roles? 
Why personal branding and reputation management need to be part of your professional toolkit
We are typing anything and everything into search engines and on social media. And with the rise in activism, quest for authenticity, social good, meaning and purpose, branding is getting personal.
Opinion by " Jonathan AJ Wilson
Why personal branding and reputation management need to be part of your professional toolkit

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