
Why is age discrimination still so prevalent in tech companies?
A landmark age discrimination case being brought against IBM in the US in which older workers were dismissively referred to as ‘dino-babies' has hit the headlines. Depending on the outcome of this case, the fall-out across the tech sector could be significant. The prejudice against older heads in tech, which I have experienced, is real and is holding back many fast-growing businesses.
News by " Kristina Hunter-Nilsson
Why is age discrimination still so prevalent in tech companies?
A global plastic treaty is in the works – and we need it
The UN has approved an international pact to address global plastic pollution after more than a week of discussions between member states in Nairobi. An intergovernmental committee will be tasked with negotiating a deal, with the treaty expected to be finalised in 2024.
Decoding by " Katie Chan
A global plastic treaty is in the works – and we need it
Don’t make a false start: 4 questions a startup should answer before building a community
Getting them right can help your startup seize the opportunity to avoid common mistakes. Community building has recently become one of the most trending topics in the startup world, but the idea of it is not new.
Tools by " Svetlana Stotskaya
Don’t make a false start: 4 questions a startup should answer before building a community
The pandemic and rethinking the four Cs of marketing
Marketers have had to rethink the way they communicate during the pandemic. Katja Gagen of investment firm TCV shares what that’s meant for her and the job she does for her company and its portfolio company community.
Portfolio by " Katja Gagen
The pandemic and rethinking the four Cs of marketing
How can creativity fix a broken workforce in the new era of hybrid working?
We’re at a crossroads right now when it comes to working. Stressed-out employees are looking for new ways of working, creating a void that most companies are unsure how to fill.
Opinion by " Rich Westman
How can creativity fix a broken workforce in a new era of hybrid working?
7 bad habits you should break to be more productive
There's no question that successful entrepreneurs have a lot of discipline. But even the most disciplined people sometimes have a hard time being productive. But here's a secret, though: being productive isn't that hard. It's all about breaking bad habits and establishing good ones. Sound too simplistic? It's not.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
7 bad habits you should break to be more productive
Supporting an ally: What can the tech world do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
As Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of February 24th, many in Britain started to think about how support could be lent to the Ukrainians. What has been done, what is being done, and what can be done by the tech sector to support Ukraine? 
Opinion by " Jamie Walker
Supporting an ally: What can the tech world do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
How can remote working help employees find their dream home?
The journey to work has always influenced people’s property-buying decisions. How many times have you viewed a property only to exclude it on the basis of an excessively long commute?
Opinion by " Richard Eagling
Can you get a mortgage as a new small business owner?
New report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting diversity in tech
An annual benchmarking report from 580 tech employers highlights how investment in D&I data systems, setting and measuring D&I targets, and gathering employee feedback are making a tangible difference to driving diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.
News by " Maddyness UK
Tech Talent Charter annual Diversity in Tech report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting ethnic and gender diversity in the sector
Meet Serkan Ferah, founder of automated pitch deck builder PitchSpace
Serkan Ferah tells Maddyness UK about protecting his unique ideas from competitors, launching an investment round this year and the power of the pitch.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Meet Serkan Ferah, founder of automated pitch deck builder PitchSpace
What should employers know about the end of the tax year?
As the end of the 2021/22 tax year approaches, the pressure is on for finance departments looking for a smooth sailing into the next. The key to an easy transition is knowing the important key dates for year-end tasks to avoid penalties from HMRC.
News by " Maddyness, with Payfit
What should employers know about the end of the tax year?
Meet PEEQUAL, the company that wants to get rid of women’s toilet queues
We spoke to Amber Probyn and Hazel McShane, founders of the UK’s first standalone, touch-free women’s urinals startup PEEQUAL, about their ambitions for the startup, their recent successful funding round, and their quest to halve women's toilet queues at big events.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
Meet PEEQUAL, the company that wants to get rid of women’s toilet queues
MaddyFeed: What you need to know about the UK economy's inflationary pressure
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we're talking about the tide of inflationary pressure that is sweeping the UK, with the Consumer Price Index reaching its highest level for almost 30 years.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
MaddyFeed brings you what you need to know about the UK economy's inflationary pressure
Why the cloud is a no-brainer for startups
Cloud computing has removed many barriers to entry when it comes to starting a business. As a result, it has helped startups the world over to bring their ideas to life, scale rapidly and thrive over the last decade.
Opinion by " David Roldan
Why the cloud is a no-brainer for startups

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