
How customer complaints can benefit your marketing strategy
No one likes criticism. We all wish that every word spoken to and about us or the organisation we represent could be effusive praise. After all, compliments feel good, but complaints, well, not so much…
Opinion by " Indiana Lee
How customer complaints can benefit your marketing strategy
Here’s why overseas companies should set up shop in the UK (and how they can do it)
Let’s face it: the global economy is in a period of upheaval. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine and unrest across a variety of markets, businesses are struggling to unlock growth potential and create opportunities for expansion. That’s why there’s never been a better time to set up a business presence in the UK.
Tools by " Maddyness, with 1st Formations
Here’s why overseas companies should set up shop in the UK (and how they can do it)
Italy to host TechChill Milano as its startup scene thrives
Booming startup ecosystems rarely get more exciting than the Baltics – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – which has grown from almost nonexistent to over 5,000 startups and 12 unicorns in just a decade. And now, Italy’s own startup scene hopes to follow suit.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
Italy to host TechChill Milano as its startup scene thrives
Is 2022 the year that data residency takes off?
Businesses today are navigating an incredibly complex regulatory landscape. Recent data residency laws are now pushing companies toward residency as a service and I believe this is more than just a trend, but will soon become an obligation for many technology providers.
Opinion by " Sébastien Marotte
Is 2022 the year that data residency takes off?
3 areas where small businesses can save money
Starting out a business can be an expensive undertaking. In fact, research from Shopify suggests that small business owners spend approximately $40,000 in the first year of business alone, when considering all of the different costs. Further data from the U.S. Small Business Administration suggests that the majority of microbusinesses cost around $3,000 just to get started.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
3 areas where small businesses can save money
Working smarter, not harder, as an entrepreneur
The decision to start a business is momentous. Working for yourself is an entirely different ballgame than working for someone else, and making this decision will forever change your life. In this sense, entrepreneurship is a giant undertaking, and it's easy to quickly become overwhelmed with the amount of work required to keep your small business afloat.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
Working smarter, not harder, as an entrepreneur
Here East, a decade of collaboration and a powerful Olympic legacy
Just over ten years ago, London took to the global stage as the host of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. For several weeks, the nation’s capital became the epicentre of the sporting world, with over 180,000 spectators everyday entering the Olympic Park in Stratford to enjoy the games - not to mention the millions watching from across the globe.
News by " Gavin Poole
A decade of collaboration with Gavin Poole, CEO of Here East
5 tips on how blockchain and crypto startups can raise brand awareness
Anyone launching a crypto startup or working on a blockchain project knows that getting the word out is key to success. But doing it in a way that doesn't break the bank can be tricky. Additionally, while there's no doubt that blockchain and crypto startups are on the rise, with so much competition in the space, it can be tough to stand out from the pack.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
5 tips on how blockchain and crypto startups can raise brand awareness
Born in a pandemic, tested by the war: how to run a hyper-growth product in a crisis
In early 2019, at the beginning of the pandemic, I became a cofounder of a tech startup in Ukraine, even though everyone around was talking about the crisis of new businesses. However, the crisis has formed new opportunities beyond the challenges, and we have gained the most viral growth during the biggest instability in the market.
Opinion by " Dima Shvets
Born in a pandemic, tested by the war: how to run a hyper-growth product in a crisis
How can businesses connect with Gen Z
Public opinion among Gen Z now increasingly represents a clear and present threat to business. During the next ten to fifteen years, humanity will fundamentally change in terms of what and how we buy and consume, and why we decide to work for any given company.
Opinion by " Steve Sanders
How can businesses connect with Gen Z
Entrepreneur First cofounders Alice Bentick and Matt Clifford publish 'How to be a Founder'
The renowned pair, who also founded Code First: Girls, reveal the secrets to becoming a successful founder: from initial idea conception to finding your ‘Founder Edge’ and raising your first funds.
News by " Maddyness UK
Entrepreneur First cofounders Alice Bentick and Matt Clifford publish 'How to be a Founder'
Driving growth in a downturn: how to thrive in a cookieless world
The VC-funded tech ecosystem has enjoyed a period of rapid growth as people’s belief in the transformative potential of digital startups has fuelled an explosion of innovation. In a low interest rate environment, there’s been no shortage of capital seeking a place on startup term sheets in search of a return (when it’s been difficult to do so in more traditional asset classes).
Opinion by " Neel Pandya
Driving growth in a downturn: how to thrive in a cookieless world
'Hack For Peace’ aims to help solve war-related issues through collaborative tech solutions. Can you help?
The cross-European hackathon, organised by Sigma Software partnering with Tech Nation, will unite developers and experts from The UK, Sweden, Portugal, Poland, and Ukraine.
News by " Maddyness UK
Hack for Peace
7 Tips from successful female founders
It’s widely documented that entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges. Even the most seasoned of entrepreneurs have tackled many obstacles over their career. It is the lessons that these challenges provide which set you up for future success. These learning opportunities can be even further enriched by consulting entrepreneurs who have overcome similar hurdles.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
7 Tips from successful female founders

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