
Why today’s budding entrepreneurs may be the best chance we have for rebuilding our economy
As things stand, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to see positives amongst the gloom. Mass layoffs, falling stocks, strikes, and even the weather are convening to cast a large, and seemingly long shadow over 2023 and beyond. All forecasts suggest we’re heading towards a recession, but I want to explain why this worst-case scenario may be what’s needed to bring about the best-case future – and why the answer lies in entrepreneurship.
Opinion by " Jane Khedair
Why today’s budding entrepreneurs may be the best chance we have for rebuilding our economy
Top industry disruptors share their tips for transforming the world of work in 2023
We live in an era whereby the way we live and work continually changes with global trends. The future is unknown but is already approaching at an unprecedented pace.
News by " Maddyness UK
Top industry disruptors share their tips for transforming the world of work in 2023
Big trends in Big tech for 2023
While it may be near impossible to accurately predict how things will pan out in 2023, there’s no doubt that tech’s leading role isn’t going anywhere. Alistair Dent, Chief Strategy Officer at data science consultancy Profusion, explores the most important tech trends that business leaders should be prepared for during the next 12 months.
Opinion by " Alistair Dent
Early Metrics' tech trend predictions for 2023
Early Metrics, a leading startup rating and research agency, has closely monitored the innovation ecosystem since 2014. Today it unveils its selection of tech trends to watch in Europe in 2023.
Opinion by " Early Metrics
Early Metrics' tech trend predictions for 2023
Asking the questions: Maddyness UK. Our top ten Quick Fire Questions from 2022
Over the past year we’ve had the pleasure of profiling a huge array of UK-founded startups at different stages of their journeys for our QFQ series. Whilst each startup is tackling a different issue - from urban mobility to female urinals or sustainable packaging - they are united in their resolve to challenge system justification, disrupting our sense of the possible. Below, we've chosen ten of our favourite QFQ articles from 2022.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Asking the questions: Maddyness UK
Why personification is the only path to growth for brand marketers
The current macroeconomic and geopolitical situation has led many brand marketers to take stock of their plans going forward. While talks of budgets and P&L manoeuvring will dominate the conversation, it is just as important for brands, if not more, to dedicate some time to refining their digital advertising strategy for 2023 and beyond. This has never been more relevant at a time when the industry shifts from the era of personalised advertising to one of personified advertising.
Opinion by " Ossie Bayram
Why personification is the only path to growth for brand marketers
Britain’s economy is crumbling under the weight of long-term sickness, it is time we fixed it
COVID-19 brought about wholesale changes in working habits and introduced seismic changes in the relationship between employers and employees. The pandemic has placed the health and wellbeing of the workforce at the forefront of businesses’ minds and looking forward, can be a catalyst for long overdue change across a variety of sectors.
Opinion by " Tina Woods
Britain’s economy is crumbling under the weight of long-term sickness, it is time we fixed it
An uptick in ‘damp’ lifestyles? The death of influencer marketing? Here are some bold tech predictions for 2023
Maddyness UK partook in some future-gazing with the help of eleven founders, tech workers, and VC principals. We asked founders from hospitality to fertility to provide their bold tech predictions for the year ahead, and they delivered: find out why 2023 is Edtech's moment in the sun, and about advances in cryopreservation. As sector-focused predictions, they are also insightful into how broader trends such as AI or ESG will specifically impact verticals.
News by " Maddyness UK
How to make your meetings more engaging
You’ve probably spent the last 2 years adapting to working in a hybrid model, balancing the endless number of Zoom calls with team engagement. You might have a defined meeting cadence, regular calls with your team - but are these meeting working for you? Are you ever on 1h calls where you don’t say a word? Do you wish some meetings were emails? Here are a few tips on re-thinking of how we meet to be more productive.
Tools by " Alice Ivanoff
How to make your meetings more engaging
5 businesses that understand the power of great internal communication in 2022
What is effective communication in today’s world? We have witnessed first-hand how the digital age has been a great asset in developing multiple streams of constant communication. Despite this, businesses sometimes overlook the importance of offering that same level of communication within their organisation.
News by " Damian Hanson
5 businesses that understand the power of great internal communication in 2022
Launch Mappers announce their yearly deep dive into the european startup ecosystem
Go-to-market strategies are continuously evolving and changing year after year across all sectors. For this reason, we've been creating the Launch Mappers' Future Unicorns Report since 2020. We've featured 15 early-stage companies achieving incredible things in the year they launched.
News by " Nour Hassaïne
Launch Mappers announce their yearly deep dive into the european startup ecosystem
A complete guide to everything about Web 3.0
Since the early 90s, the internet has evolved from a completely text-based medium to one that is now capable of supporting complex, interactive applications. The internet has become a powerful tool that enables people all over the world to connect with each other and access an endless amount of information. But as we all know, there is so much more than just text on the internet today.
Tools by " Bash Sarmiento
A complete guide to everything about Web 3.0
Meet Nuevo, the progressive and creative agency driven by purpose
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jax Davey, CEO at Nuevo about learning, adapting and putting sustainability and purpose at the heart of everything.
Portfolio by " Jax Davey
5 easy steps to yearly planning
The start of December can only mean one thing; it’s time to prepare for next year. Whether you’ve already wrapped up your yearly planning, or just realised you forgot to add this to your internal process, here are some steps to creating more focus amongst your teams.
Tools by " Alice Ivanoff
5 easy steps to yearly planning

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.