
How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting
For the International Day of Forests, Maddyness spoke to the team at Treeapp to discover what our readers can do to help increase employee satisfaction, increase sales and tackle climate change. If you’d like to find out more about what Treeapp does, head to the bottom of this article!
News by " Maddyness UK
How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting
Looking for a rapid, easy dry cleaning solution? Meet LaundryHeap
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Deyan Dimitrov, CEO and founder of Laundryheap about the market for rapid dry cleaning services, an international working culture and the value of bootstrapping.
Portfolio by " Deyan Dimitrov
Looking for a rapid, easy dry cleaning solution? Meet LaundryHeap
The ultimate guide to writing a mission statement
A mission statement is one of the most important things every company should have. Though it isn’t a budget that you can spend on marketing or an office you can rent to have a space for your team to work, a mission statement has a very practical purpose.
Tools by " Frank Hamilton
The ultimate guide to writing a mission statement
‘Lost a big deal? How to work out what went wrong'
Whoever takes the call: The news will be shocking with burning questions popping up on the person’s inside: “Why did we lose? and even more scary: “How will I explain THAT to my management and peers?”
Opinion by " Gabriele Rehbock
‘Lost a big deal? How to work out what went wrong'
Meet JAAQ, and discover comprehensive and credible mental health resources
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Danny Gray, Founder and CEO of JAAQ about breaking down the mental health stigma, creating a platform for accessing and sharing lived experiences, and helping the millions of people currently waiting for mental health support.
Portfolio by " Danny Gray
Meet JAAQ, and discover comprehensive and credible mental health resources
Startups must not underestimate the power of IP in 2023
Startups are in a precarious position going into 2023 with economic turbulence putting pressure on founders to streamline costs – some of which come at the expense of long-term success. To offer guidance to business owners and entrepreneurs, Marks & Clerk, have published an e-book to act as a resource for tech founders struggling to identify an effective strategy when it comes to innovation and intellectual property.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
Startups must not underestimate the power of IP in 2023
thirdweb, equipping creators and entrepreneurs with the tools to build Web3 products
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jake Loo, CTO and cofounder of thirdweb about ignoring the noise around hacks and scams, empowering developers with Web3 framework and unwinding with video games.
Portfolio by " Jake Loo
thirdweb, equipping creators and entrepreneurs with the tools to build Web3 products
We’re over the overdraft: Why it’s high time we saw lending that works for, not against, SMEs
From the UK to Europe and beyond, small businesses are struggling. Rising inflation and energy prices are increasing their costs, and consumers - facing the same cost of living pressures - aren’t spending enough to balance out the books. So what does this mean for these SMEs and their owners?
Opinion by " Ann Juliano
We’re over the overdraft: Why it’s high time we saw lending that works for, not against, SMEs
How businesses can build resilience during a time of severe price hikes
With news that water bills are set to rise up to 12.9% a year, many hard-up businesses are set to feel extra pressure. Businesses are crying out for advice on how to build resilience during our uncertain economic times – and one way in which this can be achieved is getting savvy with utilities – and this absolutely includes water; often the ‘forgotten’ utility.
News by " Josh Gill
How businesses can build resilience during a time of severe price hikes
Meet Foundy, the digital alternative to traditional M&A advisory firms
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to JP Lewin, Founder and CEO of Foundy about building a platform to help founders and shareholders achieve life-changing exit deals, enabling a team and creating the perfect playbook.
Portfolio by " JP Lewin
Meet Foundy, the digital alternative to traditional M&A advisory firms
4 hacks for reaching peak performance
If you’re looking to reach your full potential and striving for peak performance, here four top hacks from Jim Steele, author of Unashamedly Superhuman.
Tools by " Jim Steele
4 hacks for reaching peak performance
5 steps to build a startup’s first design system
Founders who don’t build a brand image for their startups at early stages may end up confusing their clients: the company looks different across platforms, its merch colours don't match up with the colours on the website, and customers don't recognise the brand in its ads.
Tools by " Alexandra Naidonova
5 steps to build a startup’s first design system
3 ways startups can boost growth and de-risk innovation in the current climate
Building and growing a tech startup has never been easy. The struggles of building a great team, raising finance, scaling revenue, controlling costs, and expanding operations are well documented. These hurdles are all the more intimidating against the backdrop of big tech layoffs, rising costs, recessionary pressures influencing consumer behaviour and cutbacks. Yet, the speed of tech development continues at pace as we have seen with the ground breaking capabilities of generative AI.
Tools by " Sophie Lonergan
3 ways startups can boost growth and de-risk innovation in the current climate
Nine steps to more creativity in the boardroom
When business innovation fails in an organisation, there has often not been a future-led approach, and a lack of creativity in all aspects of the project.
Tools by " Fennemiek Gommer & Anne Mieke Eggenkamp
Nine steps to more creativity in the boardroom

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.