
Mastering the entrepreneurial wave: Key trends and strategies for success
Becoming an entrepreneur can be freeing if you’ve been caught in the rat race for a few years, but have the desire to start your own business. You don’t need to tell HR when you want to go on holiday when you work for yourself and can set your own working hours based on a schedule that suits you.
Tools by " Indiana Lee
Mastering the entrepreneurial wave: Key trends and strategies for success
How to help founders tap into crowd wisdom
What’s the hardest thing about creating a new product? It’s one of the many questions founders have. To gather some views, Adam recently posted a Twitter poll to his 140,000 followers. Twenty-four hours later, we had the results.
Opinion by " Emily Kucharski
How to help founders tap into crowd wisdom
Meet Kayrros, empowering decision-makers to make the best possible choices
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Antoine Rostand, President & Co-founder of Kayrros, about satellite imagery, transitioning to a lower-carbon economy and excellence.
Portfolio by " Antoine Rostand
Antoine Rostand
Meet Adaptavate, on a mission to decarbonate globally
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Tom Robinson, CEO and Founder of Adaptavate, about carbon-negative technologies, scientific rigour, and the construction industry.
Portfolio by " Tom Robinson
Tom Robinson
Growing together: Collaborative online learning emerges as key solution to skills crisis
The State of Online Learning Report surveyed 2,500 employees in the US, UK, and France to understand their perspectives on digital learning methods at work.
News by " Paul Ferretti
David James
Paving the way to AI-driven transformation in supply chain management with a smart data strategy
Supply chain organisations in the UK and Ireland are facing significant barriers to the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) owing to challenges with collecting and analysing data.
Opinion by " Mark Holmes
Mark Holmes
The psychology behind why we keep playing the lottery
Did you know we have better chances of getting hit by lightning or attacked by a bear than winning a lottery? Yet we find ourselves buying online lottery tickets or queuing at convenience stores hoping to win huge sums of money despite the odds being against us.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
The psychology behind why we keep playing the lottery
It's too early to judge African VC
Mathias Léopoldie is the co-founder of Julaya, an Ivory Coast-based startup that offers digital payment and lending accounts for African companies of all sizes. Julaya serves over 1,500 companies, processes $400M of transactions and has raised $10M in funding.
Opinion by " Mathias Léopoldie
REALISTIC OPTIMIST It's too early to judge African VC
Thinking of doing PoCs with big brands? Let's rethink that...
As a founder, there's a certain allure to landing big brands as early customers. It feels like a major validation that your product has mass appeal. Many founders, myself included, assume the natural path ‘in’ is through a pilot or proof of concept (PoC). Get your foot in, show them how fabulous you are and boom - banging the door down for more, am I right?
Opinion by " Dan Bowyer
Thinking of doing PoCs with big brands? Let's rethink that...
Autism and entrepreneurship: pushing back against stereotypes
Openly autistic entrepreneurs often face both admiration and discrimination, with their traits being heralded simultaneously as both “superpowers” and their “Achilles’ heel”. This creates unrealistic expectations, by placing autistic founders on a pedestal, while also upholding harmful and ableist stereotypes.
Tools by " Zareen Ali
Autism and entrepreneurship: pushing back against stereotypes
Four tried and tested PR strategies for deep tech startup success
Deep tech describes technological innovations at the cutting-edge of science and engineering. These early-stage businesses often have the underlying potential to overcome major industry challenges, and even flip an entire space on its head if successful.
Opinion by " Connor Mitchell
Four tried and tested PR strategies for deep tech startup success
Meet Hotbed, where ambitious startups go to grow
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Perdie Alder and Margaret Anne Coyle, Co-founders of Hotbed, about access to resources and networks, funding and the Hotbed programmes.
Portfolio by " Perdie Alder & Margaret Coyle
Perdie Alder and Margaret Coyle
The innovation ceiling: Breaking through barriers to diverse talent and potential
Despite being worth over $1T, having more unicorns than Europe and employing over 2M people, the hard truth of UK tech is the innovation ceiling. We’ve arguably created the most rivalled ecosystem on this side of the Atlantic, but the underutilisation of our resources means there is a real risk of losing that status.
Opinion by " Emma Obanye
Emma Obanye
5 strategies for small businesses to excel in B2B relationship building
Positive relationships are at the core of any successful company. However, unlike business-to-consumer (B2C) interactions, business-to-business (B2B) customer relationships can have far more depth and impact because they are truly partnerships. And when these relationships are successful, the benefits flow outward and improve the reputation and standing of the entire company.
Tools by " Indiana Lee
5 strategies for effective transformation in the IT industry

Maddyness Factory

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