
Meet Scouty, simplifying content creation for creators and space owners
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Ryan Gannon, founder and CEO of Scouty about growing up in the creator economy, connecting spaces with creators and launching in Los Angeles.
Portfolio by " Ryan Gannon
Meet Scouty, simplifying content creation for creators and space owners
Chancellor’s Budget a step in the right direction – but there are (big) gaps
Last month’s eagerly awaited Budget delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt had many welcome announcements and commitments from a slight improvement in R&D tax credits to additional funding for quantum computing and AI. It was particularly positive to see a big focus on getting ‘Britain back to work’, with a £2B investment committed to provide support for disabled people (at a time when nearly 1 in 5 working adults in the UK report having a disability) and £70M set aside to get the over-50s back into employment.
Opinion by " Benedetta Cevoli
4 Tips to manage marketing campaigns remotely in an early-stage startup
Running marketing campaigns remotely can be challenging for any startup, especially in the early stages when resources and budgets are limited. Moreover, few companies have escaped the need to run marketing campaigns remotely over the past few years, and they have had to rush to change their promotional channels and communication methods or reinvent the way they handle their workflows.
Tools by " Svetlana Stotskaya
4 common advertising mistakes tech startups make and how to avoid them
Founders, nurture self-care for more success
Adrienne Little, cofounder, creative ventures firm, And Rising, shares her advice on why founders’ self-care is paramount for success, given the vast majority of startups fail and those leading their companies have often suffered from mental health issues.
Opinion by " Adrienne Little
Founders, nurture self-care for more success
Getting into the mind of your customer is key to successful marketing
The phrase “Build it and they will come” is a total myth. To attract customers and scale your startup, you need great marketing – and great marketing boils down to creating a message that resonates with your audience.
Tools by " Maya Moufarek
Getting into the mind of your customer is key to successful marketing
Meet Uptime Labs, the startup recreating realistic IT system failures
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Hamed Silatani, cofounder and CEO of Uptime Labs about using AI to recreate realistic IT system failures, chain link logic and the importance of hiring people that are better than yourself.
Portfolio by " Hamed Silatani
Meet Uptime Labs, the startup recreating realistic IT system failures
How I overcame early career obstacles, and why you should have a focus outside of your focus
My journey to running a business and becoming a CEO was accidental. At 20, I was forced to stop chasing the rugby dream due to a few serious injuries - I had to quickly carve a new path where I could channel my ambition and work ethic. This took me first into recruitment, then to various businesses including eBay where I worked alongside pioneers in the rise of eCommerce. Not long after, I found myself in the high-octane throes of a VC-backed Silicon Valley startup and ultimately founded Detected in the middle of 2020.
Opinion by " Liam Chennells
How to manage public speaking anxiety when presenting your business to investors, the media, or your employees…
We all know that people buy from people, so if you want to win customers you need to put yourself out there. But what if the very thought of stepping into the limelight causes a crash of confidence? Or even fills you with dread? Well, firstly, you’re not alone! And secondly, it IS possible to feel better about it – and even enjoy it. Promise.
Tools by " Rebecca Jabbar
How to manage public speaking anxiety when presenting your business to investors, the media, or your employees…
Strictly Business? How being more human can help grow your business on LinkedIn
There was once a man who worked in the corporate world. Although he was very successful, he was fed up with his job. He hated the company culture, the long hours and the long daily commute So, one day he decided to become an entrepreneur and set up his own business. After a couple of years of consistent hard work, his business began to succeed. However, his personal life did not. His marriage began to fail, and he got divorce. This ruined him financially and so he had to start his business over again.
Opinion by " Niraj Kapur
Strictly Business? How being more human can help grow your business on LinkedIn.
How can startups survive in 2023?
Building a startup is always about dealing with the unknown because you can never be sure if your startup will make it. However, as the recession is looming over, the rules of the game have drastically changed, and striving businesses must tackle an even bigger uncertainty.
Opinion by " Andriy Bas
How can startups survive in 2023?
How to do PR in a way that works for your startup - Part 2
Foundational PR knowledge, especially media relations, has been kept opaque for a long time. It’s allowed a layer of ambiguity to be drawn over the media landscape in a way that has only benefited PR professionals. This opacity has meant that startups now typically default to using external agencies that charge them high rates and fail to provide transparent ROI metrics, leaving founders wondering whether PR is really worth it. In short, PR has become a black box, and it shouldn’t be.
Tools by " Tom Lawrence, Camille Oster & Ben Heath
How to do PR in a way that works for your startup
Introducing Oasiis Insights, the go-to partner to help marketers unleash the potential of web3 ecommerce
As part of our quick fire questions series - QFQs - we spoke to Elliot Garreffa, Co-founder of Oasiis Insights about web3, leveraging the power of wallet data and creating personalised campaigns for web3 customers which increases engagement, sales & AoV.
Portfolio by " Elliot Garreffa
Introducing Oasiis Insights, the go-to web3 ecommerce partner
How to do PR in a way that works for your startup - Part 1
Foundational PR knowledge, especially media relations, has been kept opaque for a long time. It’s allowed a layer of ambiguity to be drawn over the media landscape in a way that has only benefited PR professionals. This opacity has meant that startups now typically default to using external agencies that charge them high rates and fail to provide transparent ROI metrics, leaving founders wondering whether PR is really worth it. In short, PR has become a black box, and it shouldn’t be.
Tools by " Tom Lawrence, Camille Oster & Ben Heath
How to do PR in a way that works for your startup
Why customer criticism is a business’s friend
Many companies approach customer satisfaction incorrectly. In nearly every market, businesses prioritise profits, and by doing so miss out on valuable opportunities to either a) provide excellent experiences customers will remember or b) rectify bad experiences they won’t forget.
Opinion by " Dominic Monkhouse
Why customer criticism is a business’s friend

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.