
Breakthroughs to businesses: turning great research into a commercial entity
FedEx, Google and Facebook all started as spinouts and latest numbers suggest that over $158B of equity finance has been raised by businesses jumping out of the lab and into the commercial world in the last 10 years. That being said, the current economic climate is challenging for all businesses with two-thirds citing concerns about future viability.
Opinion by " Stuart Grant
Breakthroughs to businesses: turning great research into a commercial entity
Quanticore: Navigating the shifting tech realms
In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, a new term has emerged as a harbinger of the future - Quanticore. This fusion of "quantum" and "core" signifies the convergence of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies. As we stand at the threshold of this new age, it's imperative to delve into the intricacies of Quanticore and understand how it is shaping the shifting tech realms.
Decoding by " Ivy Carter
Quanticore: Navigating the shifting tech realms
The great paradigm shift: How European businesses can get AI right
One of the biggest questions CEOs are asking this year is how they can use AI in their business. The technology has the potential to transform a company’s operations, from improving the customer experience to automating backend tasks. But it also comes with risks, not least around bias and the responsible use of data. In a panel discussion hosted by Olivier Martret, Partner at Serena explored the role AI is playing in today's world.
Portfolio by " Olivier Martret
The great paradigm shift: How European businesses can get AI right
Meet the Corporate Governance Institute, the membership body that educates and certifies company directors
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Anthony Quigley, founder and executive chairman of the Corporate Governance Institute, about the need for better certification of directors, implementing good corporate governance at scale, and the centrality of company culture.
Portfolio by " Anthony Quigley
University spinout growth gaining traction outside traditional ‘golden triangle’ stronghold
Manchester and Bristol show highest growth in spinout populations, while Edinburgh continues to attract spinouts from across the UK.
News by " Max Lunn
University spinout growth gaining traction outside traditional ‘golden triangle’ stronghold
Is a circular economy approach right for your business?
The circular economy is transforming how companies think about resources, waste and business models. It is based on the principles of eliminating waste, circulating products and materials and regenerating natural systems.
Decoding by " Dakota Murphey
Is a circular economy approach right for your business?
Meet Audoo, the company that helps musicians get paid when their songs are played
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Ryan Edwards, CEO and founder of Audoo, about the need to ensure recording artists are paid fairly for their work, revolutionising the royalty reporting system, and the power of pink toe-nails!
Portfolio by " Ryan Edwards
Meet Audoo, the company that helps musicians get paid when their songs are played
Beneath the hype: Underappreciated technologies changing smart homes
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hype of emerging technology. We love the promise and potential of the new and shiny gadgets that give good demo. But for design and business leaders it’s important to be able to see through the hype and analyse the wider implications and opportunities that may not always capture headlines.
Opinion by " Matthew Cockerill
Beneath the hype: Underappreciated technologies changing smart homes
Moving from AI anxiety to optimism: Why we need to harness our right-brain thinking to thrive alongside tech at work
We seamlessly use our left brain and right brain during the day, yet for many entrepreneurs, their way of working today is highly skewed towards using the logical, analytical left side of the brain, which helps you to enhance the strategic, problem-solving and goal achievement abilities required to run your own company.
Decoding by " Yda Bouvier
Moving from AI Anxiety to Optimism: Why we need to harness our right-brain thinking to thrive alongside tech at work
World Entrepreneurs’ Day advice from world leading entrepreneurs
Every successful business started with a long-term vision and as entrepreneurs navigate countless obstacles, their determination kept them on track. That’s why for World Entrepreneurs’ Day, we’re celebrating those who made their dream a reality.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
World Entrepreneurs’ Day advice from world leading entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Guide - How to start a business from home
Nowadays, becoming an entrepreneur is a little too easy than it was before the rise of the digital world and cloud capabilities. The availability of options rippled through the technological advancements have opened doors of possibilities for the enthusiast, who are now changing their perspective and looking for ways to own a business rather than rely on employment.
Tools by " Elis Enano
Entrepreneurs Guide - How to start a business from home
Embracing work flexibility: A catalyst for learning, entrepreneurship, family and community
As the UK Flexible Working Bill emerges on the horizon, it carries the promise of more than just a legislative shift; it heralds a transformation that will touch the very core of how we work and live.
Opinion by " Marcus Knight
Embracing work flexibility: A catalyst for learning, entrepreneurship, family and community
Meet Centuro Global, the platform revolutionising international expansion
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Zain Ali, cofounder and CEO of Centuro Global about building a new category for global expansion services and the related compliance and regulatory issues.
Portfolio by " Zain Ali
Meet Centuro Global, the platform revolutionising international expansion
Welcome to the age of digital acceleration
People have long talked about digital transformation as an end goal. Once businesses transform, they will realise their ambitions, achieve their goals and enjoy the rewards.
Opinion by " Ron Gidron
Welcome to the age of digital acceleration

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