
Community, cooperation and co-working, meet Oru Space
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Vibushan Thirukumar, CEO and cofounder of Oru Space about social impact, high-street regeneration and building a post-covid place that people actively want to go to every day.
Portfolio by " Vibushan Thirukumar
How virtual shares can improve the way startups reward their communities
For much of modern history, capitalism primarily focused on the interests of a select group: shareholders. The primary aim was to maximise shareholder value, often at the expense of other stakeholders such as employees, clients, or subcontractors.
Opinion by " Taavi Kotka
How virtual shares can improve the way startups reward their communities
How data sovereignty as a design principle can turbocharge business growth
GDPR was just the beginning. Before GDPR, we lived in a data economy that didn’t always respect the individual. In fact, if you were using a free app, it was probably fair to say that your data was the price for downloading it.
Opinion by " Filippo Sanesi
How data sovereignty as a design principle can turbocharge business growth
The tech world on its road to recovery: Accel 2023 Euroscape report shines a bright light on today's market
The tech ecosystem may be on the road to recovery following a global reset, according to data from Accel’s 2023 Euroscape report, an in-depth report on key SaaS trends and list of 100 standout European and Israeli SaaS companies.
News by " Maddyness UK
Nurture Network, amplifying the voice of women and underrepresented people
Ahead of the Nurture Network's 'Lean In, Lift Up' conference on the 14th of November, we spoke to Marie-Claire Frederick, Founder of Nurture Network, about amplifying the voices of underrepresented people, networking and the importance of having a mentor.
Portfolio by " Marie-Claire Frederick
Nurture Network
Grow and expand your freelance business: Best practices and insights
Freelancing has become a common lifestyle amongst many people and the flexibility it offers is what makes it so attractive to make you get up and start your own business. Those who aren’t freelancers won’t know the beauty of it until they start a career on their own.
Tools by " George Mathew
Grow and expand your freelance business: Best practices and insights
The power of accessibility for business: why it should be a priority from the get-go
In today’s bustling startup landscape, where innovation takes centre stage, one critical aspect often lags behind: accessibility. While digital, creative, and business teams surge ahead, accessibility is sometimes seen as an obstacle to future success.
Opinion by " Natalie Burns
The power of accessibility for business: why it should be a priority from the get-go
Turning the workplace tables: The power and significance of reverse mentoring
In today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business landscape, organisations increasingly recognise workplaces as not merely operational hubs but as complex ecosystems for lifelong learning.
Tools by " Patrice Gordon
Turning the workplace tables: The power and significance of reverse mentoring
SevenYays, making the advent calendar a year round treat
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Andrew Staal, cofounder of SevenYays about starting with a simple question, advertising on social media and creating unique gifting category.
Portfolio by " Andrew Staal
SevenYays, making the advent calendar a year round treat
A comprehensive guide to Web3 accelerator programs worldwide
This article provides an in-depth analysis of accelerator programs and provides an overview of 10 notable Web3 accelerators worldwide.
Tools by " Jona Hauch
A comprehensive guide to Web3 accelerator programs worldwide
Kindness will Prevail: An interview with Lucy Knill , Managing Director at Anthropy
Ahead of Anthropy 23, taking place at Eden Project from the 1st to the 3rd of November, Paul Ferretti spoke to Lucy Knill, Anthropy’s Managing Director, about human kindness, innovation, and a better future for Britain.
News by " Paul Ferretti
GITEX's European expansion takes root in Berlin
​​Berlin's selection as the European expansion hub for GITEX, Dubai’s prominent tech show, signifies a strategic move aimed at harnessing the region's thriving venture capital ecosystem and bolstering global tech collaboration.
News by " David Johnson
GITEX's European expansion takes root in Berlin
A Virtual Tomorrow: are virtual events redefining connection and engagement in digital marketing?
A virtual event occurs online rather than in a physical location, which has been much more common following the Covid-19 pandemic. Seminars, presentations, festivals, competitions, contests, conferences, summits, award shows, product launches, demonstrations, training events and workshops can be held virtually, allowing a wider geographical audience to attend.
Decoding by " Rebecca Barnatt-Smith
A Virtual Tomorrow: are virtual events redefining connection and engagement in digital marketing?
Funding the Future of Europe: Meet Breega, the VC firm supporting European and British startups
Breega, a European venture capital firm with an entrepreneurial spirit, announces the launch of a fund named "Europe Seed III" with a commitment of at least £130.2M. Europe Seed III follows in the footsteps of "Seed I" (2015) and "Seed II" (2019) with the same mission: to continue funding and supporting Europe's most promising early-stage startups.
News by " Paul Ferretti

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