
Why the AI revolution hinges on effective data management
Artificial intelligence (AI) is on a significant hype curve. Worth more than £16.8 billion in the UK, the AI market is expected to grow to £801.6 billion by 2035. The use cases are almost endless, from enhancing medical diagnosis tools to fully automating repetitive tasks. But it takes more than just buying an off-the-shelf solution and expecting it to get to work straight away.
Opinion by " Andrew Carr
Andrew Carr
Events discovery simplified with locl
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Marcus Lee of locl about connecting with your local community, events discovery and fighting the widespread issue of loneliness.
Portfolio by " Marcus Lee
Events discovery simplified with locl
Layi Wasabi is rising above The Law to build a flourishing career in a fast-paced content industry
Layi Wasabi breaks the mould of Nigeria’s recent comedic offerings. In one instance, he’s “The Law,” a struggling lawyer with a suit that hangs off his 6’4 frame. In another, he’s Mr Richard, a fast-talking motivational speaker convincing anyone who cares to listen to invest in a life-changing pyramid scheme. His given name, Isaac Olayiwola, may not ring any bells, but these characters bring humour and joy to millions of people.
News by " Hannatu Asheolge
Layi Wasabi is rising above The Law to build a flourishing career in a fast-paced content industry
In good times and even better ones: BNP Paribas and Mistral AI sign multi-year partnership
BNP Paribas and Mistral AI have signed a multi-year partnership that will provide the bank with access to current and future Mistral AI commercial models.
News by " Paul Ferretti
The role VCs play in a startup’s success beyond investment
Startups need much more than investment from their VCs – they need expert advice on how to build their technology in the most lean, effective way possible.
Tools by " Maddyness, with OVHCloud
The role VCs play in a startup’s success beyond investment
Tranforming technology: Index Ventures announces £1.79B in new funds
Index Ventures, a leading global venture capital firm, announces £1.79B in new funds to forge relationships with exceptional entrepreneurs.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Shardul Shah
4 tips for founders to unlock success with startup accelerators
Startup accelerators—the launchpads for innovation—are where founders refine their vision, connect with mentors, and propel their ventures forward. But how do you make the most of this opportunity?
Tools by " Svetlana Stotskaya
4 tips for founders to unlock success with startup accelerators
The next French government shouldn’t overlook tech in the hunt for growth
The success story of the French technology ecosystem is something to be admired. It’s one that’s seen technology go from playing an insignificant to a major role in the French economy over a compressed timeline.
News by " Louis Dussart
The next French government shouldn’t overlook tech in the hunt for growth
Align and achieve: PAUSE by Alexandre Mars, between intimate and incredible
In a world where Instagram filters often obscure reality, Alexandre Mars invites us to take a pause. His latest book, PAUSE: Pour une vie alignée, (PAUSE: Advice for an aligned life) delves into the complexities of modern existence, offering a roadmap for those seeking fulfilment and happiness.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Alexandre Mars
Meet deeploi, the startup that turns IT pain into peace
Many businesses overlook the importance of strong IT infrastructure until it’s too late. Investing in outsourced support can eliminate such damage control – and partnering with a new-age IT startup could be key.
Tools by " Julian Lübke & Philipp Hoffmann
Meet deeploi, the startup that turns IT pain into peace
Multitasking is killing your productivity: How to stop hopping between tasks
Who can resist it? The temptation to drop everything you’re working on in order to fulfil another task you’ve literally just remembered. Sure, you’re in the middle of doing something else – but what about that email you totally forgot to reply to? In the moment, this new task takes priority, especially when you’re worried you’ll only forget again otherwise.
Tools by " Chris Griffiths & Caragh Medlicott
Multitasking is killing your productivity: How to stop hopping between tasks
How podcasting can build your business
Podcasting has emerged as a powerful tool for business growth, offering unique opportunities to engage with your audience, establish authority, and drive brand awareness.
Tools by " George Mathew
How podcasting can build your business
The fallacy of the One-Person Billion-Dollar company
It’s time to stop focusing on the AI takeover of human expertise in business development and distribution. There is a thesis du jour that from the rise of AI and automation will soon emerge relatively autonomous, billion dollar companies operated by a single individual. While this thought is captivating, we believe this is fundamentally unrealistic as it underestimates the complexity of business operations - such as business development and distribution - that extend beyond the capabilities of AI, and still requires human nuance and expertise.
Opinion by " Robin Yan
The fallacy of the One-Person Billion-Dollar company
120 reasons to celebrate: The French Chamber of Great Britain launches 2024 Franco-British Business Awards
The 25th Franco-British Business Awards will celebrate the outstanding achievements of French and British companies on both sides of the Channel.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Franco-British Business Awards

Maddyness Factory

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