
ALL THE NEWS FROM “mobility”
In the market for your first electric car? Get to know elmo
Keen to get an electric car but not sure how to go about it? You're like many others who find the process of financing and maintaining an electric car a little overwhelming. To remedy this, Olly Jones and Luke Gavin cofounded elmo, an all-inclusive electric car subscription service that aims to simplify the whole process.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
In the market for your first electric car? Get to know elmo
Transforming the ride-hailing industry, one electric vehicle at a time
Using an app to arrange a journey via a ride-hailing company is commonplace for so many of us. But have you ever given a thought to the type of vehicle you travel in and how your driver pays for it? Maddyness UK spoke to Nicko Williamson, founder of WeFlex.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Transforming the ride-hailing industry, one electric vehicle at a time
The motorcoach makeover: Driving bus travel into the future
Buses may seem like an outdated form of travel, but they’re seeing a rebirth. The bus is still a very popular way of getting around in many geographies, especially in Europe. On an average day, more than 1.6 million people ride buses in Europe, three times that of people in the US.
Opinion by " Sean Simpson
The Motorcoach Makeover: Driving bus travel into the future
How about to clean up city air we use… cars?
Heatherwick Studio has revealed a concept for an electric vehicle (EV) that can "vacuum up" air pollution generated from other cars while in motion. Designed for IM motors, the Airo model will be installed with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtering system that is capable of actively cleaning air.
Portfolio by " Marc Height
How about to clean up city air we use… cars?
Lifting of e-scooter ban sees green jobs creation across the UK
Electric scooters are now legal in the UK providing certain conditions are met. Companies like Voi and Zwings are growing their teams rapidly, in an otherwise bleak jobs climate, as part of a greener recovery for UK mobility.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
E-scooter brands roll out trials in the UK
Europe's e-scooter providers Voi and Lime will be running exclusive trials of e-scooters in UK cities to encourage workers to go back to the office in a safer and more environmentally friendly way.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
15 startups transforming mobility in the UK
How are startups driving the future of mobility? From inclusive route-planning and Electric Vehicles to cycling accessories and a whole new way of thinking about addresses, Maddyness has selected 15 startups that are redesigning the way people move from A to B.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
COVID-19: Interview with Izak Ben Aharon, Founder and CEO of 8Tev
Maddyness spoke to Izak Ben Aharon, the founder of 8Tev and the managing director of Scootin - the first electric scooter shop and electric scooter engineering workshop in the UK - to understand how the company is coping during the COVID-19 pandemic and to see what the future holds.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Crowdfunding now: it's all about mobility
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Decoding by " Maddyness
UK government to accelerate greener mobility with £2B package
As said during Boris Johnson lockdown relief speech, the UK government wants to boost greener mobility across the nation and encourage people to choose alternative ways to travel, such as walking and cycling, and relieve public transport congestion.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Global trends in mobility tech to watch in 2020
Whether it's in the UK, the EU or globally, mobility tech trends are impacting the big city life in major hubs and will redefine the way we commute in the future. Maddyness selected some of the most important mobility tech trends to watch globally in 2020.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Ola bikes

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