IoT: An Internet of Threats?
The Internet of Things promises an advanced environment where every object is intelligent and connected. However, are these devices secure? What security risks do they pose, and how can businesses and individuals alike take advantage of IoT safely and securely?
Decoding by " David Howell
IoT: An Internet of Threats?
Wearable skin tech from the University of Tokyo's School of Engineering
The day is fast approaching when science fiction wonders like self-driving cars and robots that tend to our every need become commonplace.
Portfolio by " January Barnes
Wearable Skin Tech
Positive impact of omnichannel cloud contact centres amplified by pandemic
COVID-19 has accelerated the transition from legacy systems to cloud infrastructure. The omnichannel method – whereby companies are accessible to customers via communications tools including WhatsApp, Twitter and online chatbots – can streamline queries, boost customer satisfaction and simplify business processes.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with Odigo
Positive impact of omnichannel cloud contact centres amplified by pandemic
AudioTelligence raises £6.5M to bring clarity to the noise and chaos
AudioTelligence, the company dedicated to making speech clear and intelligible in a noisy world, has raised $8.5M (£6.6M) in Series A funding from Octopus Ventures, Cambridge Innovation Capital, Cambridge Enterprise, and CEDAR Audio.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
audiotelligence portrait

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