
ALL THE NEWS FROM “Investment”
Liquidity and diversification for ambitious founders, a profile of Collective Equity
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Mike Royston, Brian Pallas and Tristan Schnegg, Founding Partners at Collective Equity.
Decoding by " Mike Royston, Brian Pallas & Tristan Schnegg
Liquidity and diversification for ambitious founders, a profile of Collective Equity
Accessible wealth management, cybersecurity and the latest from Mistral in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Inside fundraising in today’s climate with Brite payments and Dawn Capital
Brite Payments recently announced a $60M raise. Maddyness heard from Dawn Capital’s General Partner, Josh Bell and Brite’s CEO and founder Lena Hackelöer to learn what really happens in the build-up to a deal of this size and what modern day funding truly looks like.
Decoding by " Lena Hackelöer & Josh Bell
Inside fundraising in today’s climate with Brite payments and Dawn Capital
Investing in ventures that change the way we create, a profile of GEM Capital
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Roman Gurskiy & Kirill Gurskiy, Managing Directors at GEM Capital.
Portfolio by " Roman Gurskiy & Kirill Gurskiy
Investing in ventures that change the way we create, a profile of GEM Capital
Receipts, mental health and Sign Language translation in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Investing in game-changing technologies across Europe and the US, a profile of Common Magic
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Sarah Drinkwater, GP at Common Magic.
Portfolio by " Sarah Drinkwater
Investing in game-changing technologies across Europe and the US, a profile of Common Magic
Fintech, autonomous shipping and virtual care in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Climate Fintech’s scorecard: Germany goes top but Europe beating the US is the real story
Once a niche off-shoot of the fintech scene, climate fintech - simply understood as fintechs enabling decarbonisation - has emerged as an established and much-needed global sector. Attracting annual investments of $2.3B in 2023, climate fintechs are providing vital solutions businesses urgently need to support their climate transition
Opinion by " Paul Morgenthaler
Climate Fintech’s scorecard: Germany goes top but Europe beating the US is the real story
Why I’ve angel invested over £50K in “Intersectional Incredibles”
It’s become a sexy term, and will always play an important role in the startup ecosystem. Angel investing continues to be a rewarding journey - and to be told ‘you’re such an angel’, has a very specific meaning for me. I will unpack my thesis and approach for any cheque I write. This culminates in founders who balance depth of innovation, degree of impact, and their direct experiences from intersectionality. These 3 ‘i’s make them investible “intersectional incredibles”, and is why I’m launching iiF by i³ investing.
Opinion by " Christian Tooley
Why I’ve angel invested over £50K in “Intersectional Incredibles”
Payment solutions, substitute teachers and drug discovery in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Scaling remarkable businesses globally, a profile of Roosh
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Den Dmytrenko, cofounder and General Partner at Roosh.
Portfolio by " Den Dmytrenko
Scaling remarkable businesses globally, a profile of Roosh
Next-gen nappies, tech-enabled childcare and sustainability training in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Daniel Sawko, the founder of Welsh tech company, helping founders globally find relevant investors for free
Frustrated at the inaccessibility of funding for startups outside of London, Daniel Sawko founded, a VC search engine for founders.
News by " Maddyness, with the British Embassy in Paris
Daniel Sawko, the Welsh founder helping bridge the UK’s startup-investor gap
Levelling the playing field, a profile of Sie Ventures
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Triin Linamagi, Founding Partner of Sie Ventures
Portfolio by " Triin Linamagi
Levelling the playing field, a profile of Sie Ventures

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