'Why pressure to be a "hero leader" is holding you back and what you can do about it'
Being a leader is rarely a breeze. There are times when it is easy, clearly, and others when the pressure is on to earn your corn. In moments like that, it is surprising that many do not simply throw the towel in and find a beach to lie on with a cocktail and a good book (preferably mine).
Portfolio by " Steve Hearsum
'Why pressure to be a
Confidence is contagious – how to catch the bug and spread it to your employees
Do you have confidence? Or do you look at seemingly confident colleagues with a sense of envy? Perhaps you worry that a lack of confidence is holding you back at work and in your personal life? The good news is that confidence is contagious - you can catch (and spread) the confidence bug.
Opinion by " Julie Smith
Confidence is contagious – how to catch the bug and spread it to your employees
Is diversity disappearing at the top - What needs to be done?
Recently, something rather remarkable has been happening, quietly, in the world of work. More women than ever before have made the choice to leave their jobs, on their own terms - a trend that researchers are calling the Great Break-up.
Opinion by " Sophie Williams
Achieving a flow state at work: unlocking peak performance and engagement
The world of startups thrives on innovation, hard work, and that elusive edge. While technical prowess and market fit are crucial, one often-overlooked factor can make the difference between mere hustle and transformative success: achieving a flow state.
Tools by " Kevan Hall
Achieving a flow state at work: unlocking peak performance and engagement
How to encourage employees to upskill
Staying competitive today is more than what meets the eye.; it means staying ahead. One of the most effective strategies for maintaining a competitive edge is encouraging employees to upskill.
Tools by " George Mathew
How to encourage employees to upskill
Half of job seekers have experienced negative bias when applying for roles
Despite all the talk and focus of companies on DE&I, a new survey reveals that half (50.73%) of job seekers have encountered negative bias during the application process.
News by " Amanda Kavanagh
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
DE&I is in danger of becoming irreversibly politicised
International Women’s Day prompts leaders to champion women in the workplace and exhibit their plans to advance female empowerment and equity in their companies. But, how can leaders demonstrate more than just compliance when advocating for gender equity in the workplace?
Opinion by " Aniela Unguresan
DE&I is in danger of becoming irreversibly politicised
How to encourage employees to make mistakes, confidently
Unlike in the movies, mistakes happen. Many projects are launched with the best intentions and end up missing the mark. I remember being told a story about a young leader who tabled his resignation after a project went wrong, costing the organisation $2M. His boss smiled at the resignation letter on his desk and replied: “Why should I let you go, when I have just invested $2M in your education?”.
Tools by " Frank Devine
How to build an employer brand on LinkedIn which sells
A strong employer brand is a powerful tool for talent attraction and retention which reduces hiring costs. It tells job seekers about your company’s mission, values and culture. As a result, companies with compelling employer branding are more likely to find individuals whose preferences match what the company offers from the outset, and thus are more likely to stick around as a result.
Tools by " Molly Johnson-Jones
How to build an employer brand on LinkedIn which sells
Why you should trust your employees to work more flexibly
Every single person at your company would benefit from the ability to work flexibly. Memories of the pandemic may have forged a connection between remote work and stress, but when implemented thoughtfully, it can be leveraged to everyone’s benefit.
Opinion by " Kayla Ihrig
Why you should trust your employees to work more flexibly
How bosses can motivate an unmotivated team
As a startup, you know the importance of people, with each and every one having an important and pivotal role to play in helping your business thrive, grow and stand out from your competitors. But what do you do when one (or more) of them aren’t motivated, when they’ve lost their mojo?
Tools by " Debra Corey & Ken Corey
How bosses can motivate an unmotivated team
How kindness and courtesy can improve the workplace
In the hustle and bustle of the modern workplace, where deadlines loom large and productivity is a constant pursuit, the significance of kindness and courtesy can sometimes be overlooked. However, fostering a culture of respect and consideration within the workplace can have profound effects on employee well-being, collaboration, and overall organizational success. In this article, we'll delve into how kindness and courtesy can significantly improve the workplace environment.
Opinion by " George Mathew
How kindness and courtesy can improve the workplace
Why age is just a number when starting a tech business
Founding a tech startup isn't an endeavour reserved for the “young”. While there might be famed stories of young Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all beginning businesses at an early age, there are plenty of examples where founders turned their hand to beginning a tech start-up at a later stage in their career too.
Opinion by " Lesley Calland
Why age is just a number when starting a tech business
How to keep a team engaged on a journey of positive disruption
Forget about the cliché of the swaggering leader who can do no wrong. We all have strengths and weaknesses, however committed we are to our purpose and driving our organisation forward to achieve our goals. We are, after all, human. Plus, if the disruptive ambition is substantial, we’d be a fool to try to go it alone. This means we need resources. Resources are the fuel that helps our fire burn.
Opinion by " Mark Bateman
How to keep a team engaged on a journey of positive disruption

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