With so much in the news at the moment around the great resignation, team building platform Kaido shares its top tips for how to boost team morale and get a smile on people’s faces.
It’s hard to believe that we are two years on from the first Covid-19 lockdowns. Everything changed seemingly overnight. What once felt unusual now feels commonplace - it’s easy to forget the turbulent change people have experienced.
When starting a business, the culture you want to create is likely to be one of the first things you talk about; it’s an essential ingredient in building a team of people who hold the same principles and will work to achieve common goals. But it’s all too easy to let that culture slip down the priority list as your business grows.
Looking back two years ago, I think about managers who were, in an instant, shoved into leading teams and businesses from the isolated confines of their homes. Having to navigate lockdowns was stressful enough. Let’s not forget that it was on top of a global health pandemic, the end of which no one had sight.
As much as others might like to claim otherwise, no generation is quite as in tune with tech as Gen Z. Whilst those before them were born into a world with varying degrees of technological exposure, Gen Z are the first truly digital native generation.
Despite decades of effort, women are still severely underrepresented and undervalued in numerous professions around the globe, particularly in leadership roles. In the UK, only 43% of startups have any women in leadership. Majority-women leadership teams are even rarer, at only 15%.
The much-publicised firing via video link of 900 employees by a US company speaks volumes about how business have a long way to go to understand how to use remote video for key employee communications. What are the protocols? Or is the shift to remote mass working illustrating where in-person communications must be maintained?
As part of our quickfire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Ross McCaw, CEO and cofounder of OurPeople, about short, targeted internal communications and maintaining team engagement in the hybrid environment.
Less than 8% of C-Levels in Product Teams are occupied by women. To change this, the startup 50inTech is launching “Wannabe a CPO” a virtual Bootcamp on the 16-18 of February to help women in product level up to reach the top. Caroline Ramade, founder of 50inTech and member of the UN Women French Committee, believes that women must equally co-shape the products of the future.
While we may have channelled Sisyphus rolling a huge boulder endlessly up a steep hill more than once over the past two years, now is the time to stop, prop up the boulder and celebrate how far we’ve come. Even if there have been multiple struggles and few wins, I’m certain there are some pretty big actions that your company is already taking to do good in the world, that you may have overlooked.
Visionary, confident, outcasts, impulsive – these are all common stereotypes about startup leaders. But what qualities does a successful leader in this realm really need to have?
The high quit rate for US workers can be attributed to employees moving on to higher paid jobs with better benefits – not simply leaving their roles to follow passions or start afresh. White House economists are stressing that what has been termed the “Great Resignation” is actually the “Great Upgrade”, as workers are staying in the labour market and looking for positions where they can provide for their families.
Last year will be unique in many ways, but one thing that will be repeated in 2022 is that hiring will still be tough. Unlike previous economic shocks there is no big pool of talent that has lost their jobs. We still have significantly less qualified people per job opening, so you’ll need to work hard to capture the right people.
Expressing employee gratitude can positively impact employees and the work they perform for your company.