Why women must shape the products of the future for an inclusive and fairer society
Less than 8% of C-Levels in Product Teams are occupied by women. To change this, the startup 50inTech is launching “Wannabe a CPO” a virtual Bootcamp on the 16-18 of February to help women in product level up to reach the top. Caroline Ramade, founder of 50inTech and member of the UN Women French Committee, believes that women must equally co-shape the products of the future.
News by " Caroline Ramade
5 ways your team is creating unseen positive impact during the pandemic
While we may have channelled Sisyphus rolling a huge boulder endlessly up a steep hill more than once over the past two years, now is the time to stop, prop up the boulder and celebrate how far we’ve come. Even if there have been multiple struggles and few wins, I’m certain there are some pretty big actions that your company is already taking to do good in the world, that you may have overlooked.
Tools by " Charlotte Tucker
What does it take to be a great leader in the startup world?
Visionary, confident, outcasts, impulsive – these are all common stereotypes about startup leaders. But what qualities does a successful leader in this realm really need to have?
Opinion by " Michał Schindler
What does it take to be a great leader in the startup world?
What is driving workers to change jobs?
The high quit rate for US workers can be attributed to employees moving on to higher paid jobs with better benefits – not simply leaving their roles to follow passions or start afresh. White House economists are stressing that what has been termed the “Great Resignation” is actually the “Great Upgrade”, as workers are staying in the labour market and looking for positions where they can provide for their families.
Decoding by " Fred Fullerton
What is driving workers to change jobs?
Growing teams will remain hard in 2022
Last year will be unique in many ways, but one thing that will be repeated in 2022 is that hiring will still be tough. Unlike previous economic shocks there is no big pool of talent that has lost their jobs. We still have significantly less qualified people per job opening, so you’ll need to work hard to capture the right people.
Opinion by " Alan Furley
Growing teams will remain hard in 2022
Show your team you care: 7 ideas for employee recognition and appreciation
Expressing employee gratitude can positively impact employees and the work they perform for your company.
Tools by " Ron Stefanski
Show your team you care: 7 ideas for employee recognition and appreciation
How we speak about diversity matters – we do unintended harm when we ignore this
The language we use to describe ourselves and others has the power to attract, and alienate – the latter often unintentionally, and even when such descriptors come from a place of progress.
Opinion by " Eleanor Kaye, Lara Pawade and Lisa Shu
How we speak about diversity matters – we do unintended harm when we ignore this
Forms are dead and conversation is king for marketers generating new leads
Digital disruption has been a blessing for some in the marketing world and a curse for others. The distinction between the two has been how reactive, and willing marketers have been to evolve with the times.
Opinion by " Jiaqi Pan
Forms are dead and conversation is king for marketers
5 tips for planning a cancel-proof and flexible work Christmas party
The emergence of the new COVID variant Omicron has thrown a curveball on Britain’s festive celebrations this year, once again creating a major pause for thought.
Opinion by " Matt Ephgrave
5 tips for creating a cancel-proof and flexible Christmas party
How companies are competing for talent in the digital marketing world?
There is a huge problem brewing under the surface of the digital world – a lack of skills. The effect of the pandemic on the digital world is becoming more and more apparent within the digital marketing industry. As businesses closed their doors in the real world, they looked instead to opening new doors online.
Opinion by " Morgan Mitchell
The digital marketing agency is facing a war for talent, here’s how companies are competing
Why I’ve faced up to my failings on gender diversity - and other founders should too
It’s virtually impossible to hire experienced female developers – or, that’s what I’d let myself believe. Just as the tech industry needs to hang its head in shame with regard to its championing of gender diversity, I’m prepared to say I too have failed miserably – but I no longer buy the excuses we all allow ourselves.
Opinion by " Ofri Ben-Porat
Why I’ve faced up to my failings on gender diversity - and other founders should too
The importance of best employment practice to protect your startup
When starting a business, you make a huge number of decisions, on everything from office location to company branding. With so many things to think about, founders and business leaders might overlook some of the fundamental steps around employment.
Tools by " Oliver Spratt
The importance of scalability when growing a global team
If your business goals include entering new markets, establishing multiple domestic and international entities, and growing your profits, then it’s time to consider scalability. Business scalability is a necessary part of adapting to company changes successfully as you grow, meet, and exceed your goals.
Opinion by " Nick Adams
The importance of scalability when growing a global team
Workforce management prowess for startups undergoing international expansion
Executive coach and Maddyness contributor Victor Snyder spoke with Eynat Guez, CEO of Papaya Global, about startups expanding into new territories in a post-Brexit, post-pandemic world.
Portfolio by " Victor Snyder
Eynat Guez

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