
ALL THE NEWS FROM “Hospitality”
Robots rise to the fry: how automation is removing the chip on fast-food's shoulder
At Maddyness, we have recently launched our job board to connect the right people with the right roles. To shed some light on what these roles mean, we’re talking to professionals at the coalface. This week, we talked to Karakuri’s Chief Technology Officer Peter Schroder about automation in fast-food, and what his priorities are as a CTO.
Decoding by " Max Lunn
Meet Ready Burger, the first affordable vegan fast food chain
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Max Miller and Adam Clark, founders of Ready Burger.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Meet Ready Burger, the first affordable vegan fast food chain
Renegades and cans: innovation in the UK wine industry
The UK winemaking industry has never been so exciting and disruptive. Max Lunn takes a look at three businesses upending tradition and cultural norms in winemaking and winedrinking.
Opinion by " Max Lunn

Maddyness Factory

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