Why B Corp is still vital for startups
With COP 27 underway, it's time for the annual spike in conversation about sustainability. While it's good that attention is focused on such matters, it has obviously moved past discussion. It is now a situation that requires governments and businesses to take tangible action rather than talk.
Opinion by " Simon Hill
Why B Corp is still vital for startups
How urban planning policies can mitigate climate risks
In the largest climate survey to date, two-thirds of over 1.2 million people regarded climate change as a global emergency and supported comprehensive climate policies to tackle the crisis. This summer’s extreme temperatures highlighted just how tangible the effects already are.
Opinion by " Agathe Kuhn
How urban planning policies can mitigate climate risks
ESG: Even Startups Greenwash
With numerous CleanTech startups launching every week in the UK, gaining the attention of a VC isn’t easy, so make sure that when you do secure a meeting, you’re investment ready.
Opinion by " Tom Hardy
ESG: Even Startups Greenwash
Don’t let the great ESG self-deception infect climate tech investing
The financial world is slowly waking up to the self-deception behind ESG ratings. Meanwhile, climate tech investors have been pouring more money into climate funds than ever before and are convinced that they are not in danger of making the same mistakes as asset allocators like Deutsche Bank’s asset allocator, DWS, which was raided by police and financial regulators earlier this year.
Opinion by " Arne Morteani
Don’t let the great ESG self-deception infect climate tech investing
What do new ESG reporting rules mean for SMEs in Europe?
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting has become increasingly important in recent years. The latest legislation from the European Union, however, means businesses will have no choice but to take it seriously – something that could have significant consequences for larger enterprises and longer term significant impacts for publicly traded small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
News by " Jessica Camus
What do new ESG reporting rules mean for SMEs in Europe?
Working for everyone: nine B Corp certified startups you should know
Whether it's saving food from the tip, or giving underwear to people who need it in refugee camps - these nine startups operating in the UK with B Corp certification are making the world a better place.
Portfolio by " Max Lunn
B corp startups
Why the answer to practicing good ESG does not lie in yet another standard
ESG standard setting and reporting are integral to the corporate world’s transition toward net zero: whether they encourage businesses to reflect and improve on their ESG practices, or sanction industry laggards.
Opinion by " Nicola Stopps
Why the answer to practicing good ESG does not lie in yet another standard
The potential for ESG investment to do good is enormous
Reset Connect, the UK's leading Sustainability and Net-Zero Event, established to bridge the gaps between sustainability change-makers, business leaders, government, and funding. After the event we spoke to Mark Scanlon, CEO of Tenet Group about his take ways and the realisation that ESG investment is more than a trend.
News by " Mark Scanlon
The potential for ESG investment to do good is enormous
How to reduce your carbon footprint as a new startup
Startups are a common occurrence here in the UK. Many of us want to start our own businesses - 65% in fact. So, it should come as no surprise that in the first half of 2021, nearly 80 new businesses were registered in the UK every hour.
Tools by " Daniel Groves
How to reduce your carbon footprint as a new startup
Startups - What is your ESG score? And why should you care?
Have you measured your ESG score lately? Should you care? Well, if you are startup or a scaleup, your ESG score, such as your product or service’s adherence to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is likely to impact your business’s ability to fundraise and grow.
Decoding by " Monica Johnson
Finland wants to become carbon negative by 2040
The Finnish parliament has approved the Climate Change Act, which mandates the country to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035 and carbon negativity by 2040.
Decoding by " Anja Pries
Finland wants to become carbon negative by 2040
The term ‘ESG’ fails to capture the impact of what a responsible business is – but that doesn’t mean we should ignore it
Although it seems ESG’s rise to the top of the news agenda was swift, focus on its fundamental elements – Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance – are nothing new. Previously understood through the term ‘CSR’ or corporate social responsibility, many agree that ESG is merely the newest edition in a constant rebrand of the same principles. And in extreme cases, it’s considered a deceptive way of boosting corporate reputation: a guise distracting the industry from a lack of action being taken.
Opinion by " Nicola Stopps
The term ‘ESG’ fails to capture the holistic impact of what a responsible business is – but that doesn’t mean we should be ignoring it
TCFD is more than a mandate, it’s a signal for the direction of travel
From April 2022, a key policy update will make reporting on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) mandatory by law in the UK, compelling over 1,300 UK companies to disclose information in alignment with the guidelines.
Opinion by " Olivia O’Brien
TCFD is more than a mandate, it’s a signal for the direction of travel
The growing need for ESG expertise in an uncertain future
Growing concern around issues such as climate change has seen Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) continue to rise in importance. The recent announcement from Ernst & Young LLP, of a £100M investment in EY Carbon, its dedicated UK sustainability consulting business, only serves to highlight just how much of a priority ESG is for many organisations.
Opinion by " Jessica Camus
The growing need for ESG expertise in an uncertain future

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