How ‘responsible’ is the financial market for ESG investing?
Recent news shows that the number of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) carrying an ESG label more than doubled in the past two years, reaching almost 1,300 at the end of 2022.
Opinion by " Stefano Capacci
How ‘responsible’ is the financial market for ESG investing?
Meet Sust Global, a platform that allows all decisions to be climate informed
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Josh Gilbert, CEO of Sust Global about empowering users to understand the impact of future climate events, the shift to sustainable finance and their new Carbon Initiative.
Portfolio by " Josh Gilbert
10 propositions to help any company drive their transformation toward sustainability while monetising it
It is becoming increasingly clear that urgent action is needed to address the pressing environmental issues facing our planet. Climate change, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss are just a few examples of the complex and interconnected challenges we are confronted with.
Tools by " Fabien Cros
10 propositions to help any company drive their transformation toward sustainability while monetising it
What is conscious consumerism and how to embrace it as an entrepreneur?
One of the most important aspects for long-term business success is to be able to change with the times and offer services to customers that may shift with people’s sensibilities. In today’s world, that means providing goods and services that represent increased consideration for their environmental and social impact, from the finished article to the sourcing of materials.
Opinion by " Dakota Murphey
Reducing the environmental impact of financial services must become a norm
Nearly three-quarters of customers are more likely to choose a bank with a positive social and environmental impact. What can’t be measured is often neglected. “On average, one person in Europe is responsible for the release of around 6 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.”
News by " Maddyness UK
Reducing the environmental impact of financial services must become a norm
How can businesses drive decarbonisation in their IT functions?
The impending climate crisis – combined with a healthy dose of investor, customer, and regulatory pressure – has catapulted sustainability to the top of the agenda for many decision-makers. As businesses seek to decarbonise operations, the IT function is an obvious place to start. After all, for many businesses that don’t manufacture or transport physical goods, IT is one of the biggest emitters of carbon.
Opinion by " Guy Long
Why sustainability should be a priority for startups and scaleups
Sustainability has become an increasingly important global issue in recent years. According to the European Commission, almost 60% of Europeans believe that it is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today.
Opinion by " Filippo Sanesi
Why sustainability should be a priority for startups and scaleups
Meet Carbon Responsible, giving data-driven solutions to support decarbonisation strategies
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Hugo Kimber, founder and CEO of Carbon Responsible about the commercial case for CO2 reduction, keeping up with regulatory changes and understanding what a corporate journey to Net Zero entails.
Portfolio by " Hugo Kimber
Meet Carbon Responsible, giving data-driven solutions to support decarbonisation strategies
Sustainability: The problem in certifying multinationals with a badge of honour
The oft-quoted argument that ‘it is only by recruiting the biggest companies before they have truly improved their practices and help them along the path that we will create change’ has been wielded for years by those trying to justify why they are accepting money from dubious sources, and has yet to be proven. As a 26-year veteran of the aid and development sector, I can attest that, for the most part, all you become is complicit in a marketing operation, not a leader in a movement advocating for social and environmental change.
Opinion by " Mike Penrose
Sustainability: The problem in certifying multinationals with a badge of honour
Incorporating ESG (environment social governance) into customer loyalty initiatives
According to Zsuzsa Kecsmar, Chief Strategy Officer at Antavo, customer loyalty is going to have much more weight as we navigate waves of uncertainty during the current economic recession.
Opinion by " Zsuzsa Kecsmar
Incorporating ESG (environment social governance) into customer loyalty initiatives
Carbon offsetting cannot be the majority lever for the corporate world in the fight against climate change
In November 2021, 60% of the FTSE100 had pledged to eliminate their contribution to carbon emissions by 2050. This figure has since increased to over 80%. But while this presents itself as a positive trend, it is important for businesses to realise that the methods used achieve those targets have a seismic impact on how much change is actually implemented.
Opinion by " Mauro Cozzi
Why CEOs need good governance
CEOs are the key to a successful business – they set the standard that they and everyone else should follow to ensure company longevity and the ability to maintain a competitive edge. But for CEOs to operate a successful business, good company culture is essential.
Opinion by " Erika Eliasson-Norris
Technology and the path to Net-Zero
While building a strong ESG track record is difficult in any Industry, in few is the task more demanding than in the built environment (buildings, roads and rail). Arturo Leon, BIM & Sustainability Manager at Spinview, explains how digital twin technology when delivered in a visually intelligent way can super-charge sustainability strategies in the built environment.  
Opinion by " Arturo Leon
Technology and the Path to Net-Zero
Why carbon labels are the future
Is the annual COP conference driving the change we need? COP always generates plenty of headlines - and this year’s in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, was no different. But are these conferences really driving change? Headlines are great, but action is what we need.
Opinion by " Huib van Bockel

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