
ALL THE NEWS FROM “deeptech”
Africa is embracing AI but further investment will harness its full potential
The rise of AI and its revolutionary impact on African business, society, and culture led discussions on the final day of GITEX Africa 2023 in Morocco, as experts from across the globe gathered to debate and advance the transformational new tech that’s now the focal point of worldwide debate.
News by " Maddyness UK
Africa is embracing AI but further investment will harness its full potential
Learn to run before relying on robots
Robots, chatbots, and other AI are becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives, with advancements in technology changing the way startups operate.
Opinion by " Luigi Mantellassi
Learn to run before relying on robots
Can ChatGPT replace the role of a Junior Front-end Developer?
The rise of artificial intelligence has led to the development of several chatbots that can assist businesses to interact with customers. One such chatbot is ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can understand human language and respond accordingly. With the growing popularity of ChatGPT, there is a question that arises — Can ChatGPT replace the role of a junior front-end developer? Maksym Ivanov, front-end Developer at the global fintech ecosystem Kyrrex shares his perspective.
Opinion by " Maksym Ivanov
Can ChatGPT replace the role of a Junior Front-end Developer?
How to implement ChatGPT: a sober look at the opportunities and risks of a new tool with near limitless potential
Generative AI is an exciting new technology with seemingly endless applications, undoubtedly kicking off a race for forward-looking businesses to start using it. Dr Caroline Chibelushi, Artificial Intelligence expert at Innovate UK KTN, discusses how we should be approaching ChatGPT, exploring the opportunities and pitfalls of this AI chatbot so that businesses can use it to their benefit and with minimal risk.
Decoding by " Dr Caroline Chibelushi
How to implement ChatGPT: a sober look at the opportunities and risks of a new tool with near limitless potential
Is AI a friend or foe to business?
You may be forgiven to think that in today’s modern world, the reincarnation of the devil is likely to manifest itself through technology. Indeed, the treacherous power that technology bestows upon those who control it can be alarmingly dangerous. It gives access to terabytes of data, knowledge, and information (Big Data) that can be analysed by sophisticated algorithms (AI), and which can in turn be used to influence people’s attitudes and behaviours. What more can the devil want? The Cambridge Analytica scandal is still fresh in our minds.
Opinion by " David Galea
AI isn't always bad news. Here's how to deploy it ethically.
It’s fair to say that AI gets a bad rep. It’s a powerful tool: and when used incorrectly or irresponsibly, can have far-reaching negative consequences. In the last few months alone, tech behemoths Microsoft and Meta have retracted AI models following legitimate safety and inaccuracy fears. But what if instead of simply retracting models because they are unsafe, these companies cleaned up their act and created ethical AI models from the get-go that could be used more safely?
Opinion by " Stefano Goria
AI isn't always bad news. Here's how to deploy it ethically.
Generative AI is here to stay, but so are artists
Generative Artificial Intelligence is the next commercial frontier for AI. What appeared as a surreal meme generator earlier this year has turned into a goldrush with the success of companies like Stability AI. Max Lunn digs into how they work, their use cases, the issues plaguing them – and why long-termism has clouded the artist debate.
Opinion by " Max Lunn
Meet Robotica, making all written and spoken words available in sign language
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Michael Davey, Technology & Operations Director at Robotica about using technology to solve the global shortage of sign language translators and interpreters in a content-hungry digital world.
Portfolio by " Michael Davey
The great PhD hunt - how talent recruitment in deeptech should expand its horizons
Companies are always looking for bright, new talent. The tech sector is no different, however the specific skill requirements needed to succeed in the industry can make recruitment a challenge.
Opinion by " David Field
TBC The great PhD hunt - how talent recruitment in deeptech should expand its horizons
Human progress relies on our ability to transform data into insights
Data transformation has become pertinent across all sectors. But what exactly does this process entail? Put simply, it’s about turning data into deeper insights, which are crucial for success.
Opinion by " Jonathan Bridges
Human progress relies on our ability to transform data into insights
How do payments work in the metaverse?
In the not too distant future, virtual reality will be a commonplace way to spend time. It'll be as much a part of our lives then as surfing the web and posting on social media is today. We're on the eve of the advent of the new revolution in communications technology: web 3.0, a.k.a. the metaverse. As this technology continues to evolve and its popularity grows, so will the number of businesses operating in the virtual space.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
How do payments work in the metaverse?
Quantum.Tech announces a global lineup of speakers for this year’s event
On 19th – 21st September, at Twickenham Stadium, London, you can hear from companies in fields as diverse as Chemicals, Automotive, Financial Services and Pharmaceuticals on how they are exploring and building applications for Quantum computing to solve NP-hard problems. Finally, quantum is going from theory and into proof of concept.
News by " Maddyness UK
Quantum.Tech announces a global lineup of speakers for this year’s event
90% of world trade is dependent on shipping, meet Orca AI, making the industry safe and autonomous
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Yarden Gross, cofounder and CEO at Orca AI about unmanned vessels, improving safety in crowded waterways and bringing technological advances to maritime navigation.
Portfolio by " Yarden Gross
EIT Digital Challenge: 9th edition of the European competition for DeepTech startups
The European accelerator EIT Digital is launching the 9th edition of its EIT Digital Challenge, the first competition for digital DeepTech scale-ups in Europe and a veritable springboard for developing companies. Applications close on September 19th, 2022.
News by " Maddyness, with EIT Digital
EIT Digital Challenge: 9th edition of the European competition for Deeptech startups

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