climate tech

ALL THE NEWS FROM “climate tech”
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence’s Climate CoLab spins out and migrates to new community.
Climate CoLab’s mission of hosting a worldwide community to create actionable climate change solutions to continue and expand to an even larger online, global community.
News by " Maddyness UK
A letter from young people to big business
Young people around the world are taking a stand and making their voices heard. In this letter, three young finalists from last year’s Global Innovation Challenge give their view on how corporates can better support youth-led innovation.
Opinion by " Ken Ruto, Marta Vânia Uetela & Angela Busheska
A letter from young people to big business
Denmark has introduced the highest corporate carbon tax in Europe
Denmark has set the highest carbon tax in Europe to help the country reach its 2030 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% compared to 1990 levels. The levy will be DKK1,125 ($159) per mt by 2030 for companies participating in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Firms not subject to the ETS will pay a DKK750 carbon tax. (Reuters)
Decoding by " Katie Chan
Denmark has introduced the highest corporate carbon tax in Europe
Why climate investing goes beyond vertical funds
Last year, investors poured $10B into European startups working to tackle the climate crisis. As interest in these investments has grown, many new investors have created dedicated climate ‘vertical’ funds.
Opinion by " Andreas Schwarzenbrunner
A beginner’s guide to a corporate sustainability programme that actually works
Implementing impactful sustainability strategies to drive positive change
Reset Connect London is fast becoming the UK’s leading sustainability and net-zero event for business leaders, investors and innovators. We spoke to Duncan Reid, cofounder of Reset Connect about real life events, London Climate Action Week and building on the huge momentum in this space.
News by " Maddyness UK
Financial and business professionals to unite in fight against climate change at Reset Connect
Thousands of financial and business professionals are set to showcase the valuable role the finance and investment sector can play in the fight against climate change at leading UK sustainability event, Reset Connect London.
News by " Maddyness UK
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
How can we ensure carbon offsets really result in carbon being offset?
Corporate net-zero pledges are once again under fire, with “major credibility gaps” found in global business’ plans to eliminate the impact of their operations on the climate.
Portfolio by " Marc Height
How can we ensure carbon offsets really result in carbon being offset?
Over 3,000 business leaders, innovators, and investors to unite in the fight against climate change at Reset Connect London
Over 3,000 business leaders, innovators and investors are set to unite in the fight against climate change at the UK’s largest sustainability ecosystem and green investment event, Reset Connect London.
News by " Maddyness UK
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
We must break the link between CO2 emissions and economic growth
Fitch Ratings has said economic activity remains linked to CO2 emissions. It said breaking that link is vital to meeting climate targets amid continued increases in global GDP of up to 3% by 2024.
Decoding by " Mubaasil Hassan
We must break the link between CO2 emissions and economic growth
Your old towels could be repurposed into roads
Circular clothing firm Usedfully and its partners will pilot Strength-Tex, made with used textiles, in a section of road in Wellington, New Zealand. Strength-Tex is the first of several industrial-scale products developed from waste textiles.
Decoding by " Katie Chan
Your old towels could be repurposed into roads
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
Reset Connect, an innovative sustainability and net-zero event for innovators and investors has unveiled its exciting speaker line-up, which includes representatives from leading financial and funding providers Starling Bank, Triodos Bank and Sustainable Ventures.
News by " Maddyness UK
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
Green thinking. How can workers take ownership of sustainability?
A majority of the UK public has no understanding of “green jobs” or the difference between green jobs and green skills, according to research commissioned by Deloitte and IEMA. The study found that 56% of respondents had never heard of the term “green job”, 64% had no idea what “green skills” were and 65% said they did not have access to green skills training through their employer.
Decoding by " Fred Fullerton
Green thinking. How can workers take ownership of sustainability?
The IPCC is clear – this decade is our last chance to prevent dangerous levels of climate change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released the third instalment of its Sixth Assessment Report, a comprehensive climate assessment that comes out every five-to-seven years.
Decoding by " Anja Pries
The IPCC is clear – this decade is our last chance to prevent dangerous levels of climate change
Meet Minimum, the company that wants to calculate, report on, and reduce your carbon footprint
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Chris Winchurch, acting CEO and cofounder of Minimum, about calculating a businesses carbon footprint, understanding carbon emissions, and why Minimum is a sophisticated decarbonisation partner.
Portfolio by " Chris Winchurch
Meet Minimum, the company that wants to calculate, report on, and reduce your carbon footprint

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