
Pangea Bio, Accelerating drug discovery with nature-inspired science
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Sona Chandra, President and cofounder of Pangea Bio about using AI to unlock nature’s neuroactive chemistry, working with Playfair Capital and growing a global network.
Portfolio by " Sona Chandra
Pangea Bio, Accelerating drug discovery with nature-inspired science
Access your target proteins on demand with Nuclera
We spoke to Dr Michael Chen, Co-founder and CEO at Nuclera about being selected to join Tech Nation’s Future Fifty programme, founder life and plans for the future.
Portfolio by " Dr Michael Chen
The Century of Biology
The 20th century was the century of chemistry and physics. Harnessing the physical properties of atoms and molecules, scientists and engineers produced ammonia fertilizer, refined petrochemicals, unleashed energy from hydrocarbons, created novel plastics, and built the atomic bomb. The 21st century will be one of biology.
Opinion by " Cameron McLain
The Century of Biology
Meet Nuritas, the bitoech using AI to identify the next generation of intelligent ingredients
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Dr. Andy Franklyn-Miller, Chief Medical and Innovation Officer at Nuritas about intelligent ingredients, explaining peptides and proving an AI model in life science.
Portfolio by " Dr. Andy Franklyn-Miller
Want to know if your skincare is really working? Meet Mitra Bio
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Shakiba Kaveh CEO and cofounder of Mitra Bio about molecular markers, a growth mindset and allowing consumers to measure their own biological aging.
Portfolio by " Shakiba Kaveh
Digital identity is one of the 21st century's biggest challenges
As the classic New Yorker cartoon says, ‘on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog’. This image from as far back as 1993 outlines a key feature of (and some would say a major problem with) the internet: there is often no way to tell whether any digital identity is authentic. 
Opinion by " Malte Pollmann
Digital identity is one of the 21st century's biggest challenges
What you need to know about the spread of facial recognition technology
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we're talking about the introduction of facial recognition software in UK schools, and the security concerns linked to this technology.
Decoding by " Abby Wallace
What you need to know about the spread of facial recognition technology
When it comes to biometrics, are our bodies the best tool to protect privacy?
Using biometrics as a means of identification and authentication has been rapidly evolving. As consumers increase their use of digital channels and platforms, protecting their privacy and personal data is critical.
Decoding by " David Howell
When it comes to biometrics, are our bodies the ultimate tool to protect our privacy and personal data?
Why is the UK so good at creating cutting-edge biotech firms?
Earlier this year, the Bioindustry Association reported that the UK’s biotech companies are on track for a record-breaking year of fundraising, with over £830M flowing into the sector by the end of February. Compared to this time last year, the UK’s biotechs have raised more than double the amount of venture capital for new companies.
Opinion by " Dr Anne Lane
Why is the UK so good at generating cutting-edge biotech firms?
The next big thing for biodiversity? Drones
We will need to restore billions of hectares of land over the coming years. Luckily, new AI and drone technology works ten times faster than planting trees by hand.
News by " Florence Wildblood
Irrigated crops make an interesting mosaic.
The world’s first conservation-focused venture studio has launched – in the UK
Combining Oxford University research, corporate expertise and seed funding, it’s set to launch up to 20 climate startups within two years. Meet the Oxford GAV Conservation Venture Studio.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
The world’s first conservation-focused venture studio has launched – in the UK
Biotech Base Genomics raises £8.8M in seed funding to boost cancer research
The seed funding round was led by Oxford Sciences Innovation with participation from genomics and oncology experts. With this new investment, Base Genomics intends to develop its epigenetic technology for early and sensitive detection of cancer from liquid biopsy.
News by " Maddyness
Biotech Lifebit raises £6M Series A investment
Lifebit, a leading innovator in bioinformatics and cognitive software solutions, received a £6M Series A investment from Idinvest Partners, Pentech Ventures LLP, Beacon Capital and Connect Ventures. Lifebit aims to truly democratise access to genomics data by enabling researchers to become experts at running complex analyses and to unlock the value of this data.
News by " Maddyness

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