

A beginner’s guide to a corporate sustainability programme that actually works
The climate crisis is the single biggest threat to humanity, and we’re running out of time to stop it. At COP26, over 100 countries pledged to reduce their methane emissions by 30%, reduce use of coal and end deforestation by 2030 – all with the goal of staying below 1.5°C of warming, as required by the Paris Agreement.
Tools by " Michelle You
A beginner’s guide to a corporate sustainability programme that actually works
A startup creating sustainable packaging options raises £10M to commercialise seaweed-based products
A sustainable packaging company has secured £10M in funding to create more sustainable packaging made from seaweed.
News by " Abby Wallace
A startup creating sustainable packaging options raises £10M to commercialise seaweed-based products
This new climate tech allows people to donate to climate charities as they shop
On their launch day, we're speaking to Amplify, the new climate donation app that empowers a network of sustainable brands to deliver a personalised donation experience to climate charities
Tools by " Maddyness UK
This climate donation app allows brands to deliver a personalised donation experience for their customers
Eco-Anxiety and how the younger generation is carrying the world on their shoulders
Young people are feeling increasingly anxious about climate change and the effects a dying planet could have on their futures. Many feel helpless and feel there is nothing they can do to incite change that will make a global impact.
Opinion by " Daniel Groves
Eco-Anxiety and how the younger generation is carrying the world on their shoulders
Parcel Tracker goes green
Online deliveries have increased dramatically within the last year. But with ecommerce skyrocketing, parcel tracking and delivery companies should consider how packages can be delivered sustainably. For this reason, Parcel Tracker has announced the launch of its new carbon-neutral programme that offsets the emissions created by online deliveries.
News by " Abby Wallace
Parcel Tracker goes green
Tech Zero: UK tech leaders team up to fight climate crisis
Leading UK tech companies are joining forces to tackle climate action within the tech sector. The Tech Zero taskforce launches in London at the CogX festival and aims to encourage 1,000 businesses to sign up to its pledge to drive net zero commitment within the tech industry by COP26 this November.
News by " Abby Wallace
Sustainability news gets a tech makeover with new launches from Curation
Maddyness caught up with Sandy Jayaraj, the new CEO of Curation. The company has gone through a major rebrand and positioning within the technology space. Having been around for more than seven years, Curation was looking to scale at growth.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Sandy Jayaraj is the new CEO of Curation.
Green, clean, low-carbon machine: New app helps investors green up portfolio
Aimed at retail investors, Sugi is the first platform in the UK allowing users to check the carbon impact of their investments and compare with industry benchmarks to help them build a greener portfolio that is in line with their values.
News by " Maddyness
Startups applying high tech solutions to our worst environmental problems
As the climate crisis continues to worsen it's becoming clear that the solution will come from high-tech startups rather than government policy.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Why transparency of sustainability in the clothing industry will be the thing of the future
Maddyness spoke to Sandra Capponi, Co-founder of ‘Good On You’. A startup that rates and showcases the sustainability of clothing brands in an easy to understand system. Allowing the consumer to be aware of the choices they are making and what they are supporting through their purchase.
Tools by " Cleo McGee
The Amazon fires are back and worse than ever, and it’s not just climate change to blame
Last year, news of the Amazon fires dominated headlines for months. Roughly 310,000 acres of biodiverse forest land was destroyed across Brazil. The 20% increase in the total number of fires between 2018 and 2019 was record breaking, but depressingly, it seems that this season’s fires will be significantly worse. Not just because of the climate crisis cliff-edge we’re plunging off, but because of a number of other factors as well.
Decoding by " Pieter van Midwoud
Short film "Plastic Song" shows the catastrophic impact of plastic waste
Filmmaker Julian Hanford has launched a new conceptual short film called Plastic Song featuring renowned artist Steve McPherson highlighting plastic pollution in our water, rivers, beaches and oceans. The artist has been walking the Kent beaches collecting discarded plastic objects and transforming them into artworks.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Eco-friendly detergent subscription service smol raises £8M
Smol, the detergent-to-your-door brand loved by more than a quarter of a million households, has raised £8M to continue its mission to shake up an industry that has barely innovated for a century. The Series A funding round was led by Balderton Capital with participation from JamJar Investments and is being announced fresh off the back of smol releasing its first ever fabric conditioner.
News by " Maddyness
Ecosia has planted 100 million trees in fight against climate crisis
Ecosia has financed more native and biodiverse trees globally than any other tree-planting organisation, and in the UK they have committed to planting over 2,000 trees on NHS land surrounding hospitals. These forests will become a living monument and lasting expression of gratitude for NHS staff’s commitment to fighting COVID-19 and last week they reached a landmark.
Portfolio by " Maddyness

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