

Interview: Mridula Pore, CEO of Peppy Health
We often forget that throughout someone’s life, there can be massive changes in their home circumstances that impact their happiness, well-being and career prospects. From an employer's point of view, this can radically change an employee's productivity and engagement at work, as well as driving attrition and the gender pay gap.
Portfolio by " Carlos Eduardo Espinal & Mridula Pore
Mridula portrait
How my startup crashed before it even launched
Julien Maslard created VinMaské, a system for blind tasting three wines. However, he preferred to abort the project before he even launched it. Why? Here’s his story about failure to help you try and avoid a similar situation!
Opinion by " Julien Maslard
No, a Chief Happiness Officer won’t make up for your poor management
The recurring themes of happiness and wellbeing in the workplace seem to be compulsory in today’s world. We are expected to be happy at work, just like at home. These concerns are embodied by the emergence of a new job to monitor this, whose title “Chief Happiness Officer” has already proven controversial. However, does this new role really contribute to an increase in productivity or is it rather a way to pick up the slack of poor managers? Sylvain Tillon, co-founder of Tilkee, discusses the question.
Decoding by " Sylvain Tillon

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