

What to do when you hate your new job?
You managed to make it through multiple interview rounds, successfully negotiated your salary, have signed on the dotted line and yet somehow, you hate your new job and don’t know what to do. For starters, take comfort in the fact that regretting your decision isn’t a reflection on your professionalism or commitment issues (or lack thereof).
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Why values-driven company culture holds the key to career success
These days, we’re well versed in the concept of company culture. And while pool or ping-pong tables, fridges stocked full of snacks or hammocks in meeting rooms might have held sway pre-pandemic when the workplace was confined to an office building, in recent years company values, standards and beliefs are being brought into sharper focus as the barometer of what it’s really like to work at an organisation.
Opinion by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
22% of Gen Z job hops each year - and you should too
When it comes to careers, one of the biggest pieces of received wisdom you might have been given is that you should stay in a job for a decent amount of time. Depending on the age of the person who is dispensing this advice, that span could be until you retire.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
These are the top career skills for an AI future
It’s been a worrying time for tech workers. Global layoffs have affected hundreds of thousands of jobs all across the sector, and in the UK, VC funding has plummeted.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
The war over remote V in-office work is over, and hybrid has won
The pandemic-led shift to remote working for office workers happened in the blink of an eye, and immediately, workers started to reap the benefits. A newly flexible schedule, zero commute and the cost-savings that came with a reduction in take out coffee and pricey lunchtime salads were all welcomed.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Knowledge spillovers are what’s missing from remote working
There’s so much to love about remote and hybrid working: from productivity to cost-savings, the interpersonal issues that can arise in the office are also mitigated. Along with the time you get back from not having to commute, you also neatly sidestep that nosy co-worker who is hell-bent on finding out your intimate personal details.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 5
Is the era of tech downsizing coming to an end?
The news has been filled with big tech layoff news for the past 18 months or so. Dire report after dire report has announced yet another headcount cull, and the numbers are truly startling: Amazon has let 27,000 people go, Meta 21,000, Google has shed 12,000 jobs, and Microsoft has cut 10,000 jobs.
Portfolio by " Kirstie McDermott
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
What the UK’s tech skills shortage means for your next career move
London’s successful establishment as a fintech global superhub means the city continues to draw the best and brightest in the tech world.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Is your employer paying lip service do Diversity & Inclusion?
From Pride flags replacing company logos during the month of June to pink cupcakes and a series of female-centric events taking place on International Women’s Day, there are many ways a company can exhibit their commitment to diversity within the workplace.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Is Rust-Out damaging your career prospects?
We are all familiar with the term “burnout”, which is what happens when someone has too much work to do, and not enough time to do it. But what about “rust-out”? This is when an employee is stuck in a role from which they have become disengaged, and struggles to find purpose in what they do.
Portfolio by " Katy McGuinness
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 4
Jumpstart: the recruitment startup flipping the job hunt on its head
At Maddyness, we have recently launched our job board to connect the right people with the right roles. To shed some light on what these roles mean, we’re talking to professionals at the coalface. This week, we did something a bit different and talked to Matthew Sarre, founder of Jumpstart, who ‘flip the job hunt on its head by getting the best startups to pitch their roles to great candidates’.
Portfolio by " Max Lunn
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 5
7 Tech jobs that pay over 100K in the UK
With the cost of living rising by the minute, leading to reports that many employees plan to get a new job to cope, Kirstie McDermott from Jobbio has a look at some six-figure-paying roles in case you were looking to make the move..
Portfolio by " Kirstie McDermott
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 2
The Legal Designer: graphic designer, re-drafter or neither?
Max Lunn talked to CEO and founder of TLB (The Law Boutique), Electra Japonas, to get an insight into all things legal design. TLB is currently looking to hire a senior legal consultant to join their thriving ‘legal transformation’ team.
Decoding by " Max Lunn
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Three things recruiters wish you knew
Whether you’re a victim of the recent onslaught of tech layoffs or are looking for a new opportunity in your current field, looking for a new job can be a time-consuming and insecurity-inducing experience.
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires

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