

How to start a company with no outside investment
As a career entrepreneur, I wear the customer-first badge. Proudly. I strongly believe raising money through customer sales is the best option, and in a lot of cases, it should be the only option.
Opinion by " Joe Procopio
Throw off your competition: lessons from the Nakatomi Tower
There are two types of people: those who believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie - and who will see this article as a natural holiday edition - and those who don’t. Still, everyone can enjoy a few tips about beating competitors. In this Christmas special, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, analyses the consequences of an unsettling yet organised competitor disrupting your plans. You can still turn things around with fewer resources, much like John McClane at the top of the Nakatomi Tower.
News by " Caroline Franczia
Why venture capital investors are usually wrong about startups
If an investor has passed on investing in your startup, it’s probably for one of these reasons: Your startup isn’t investable. Your business doesn’t fit their investment thesis. There’s only so much room in their portfolio.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
The entrepreneur and their personal life: ‘Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.’
With the holidays approaching, it’s time to look back on what has been a tough year in the most cheerful way possible. There have been arduous moments for all entrepreneurs and this has had an impact on their personal lives. To remind us all that hygiene, sleep, and healthy food is necessary for our wellbeing, Caroline Franczia from Uppercut-First reflects on this festive period with a special someone who was once solo for Christmas: Kevin McCallister from Home Alone.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
What I learned running two startups at the same time
Should you quit your day job to start your own company? Should you shelve an existing startup to pursue a new startup idea? Let’s knock the elephant out of the room right away. If you’re uncomfortable juggling two high priorities at the same time, entrepreneurship is going to be a very uncomfortable lifestyle. Unless you find a way to make it work. I can help with that.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
What makes a good business idea?
A few weeks ago I decided to cut my bangs as it seemed like a good idea. It wasn't. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision and I've regretted it ever since. Don't worry, this article is not about my hair - it's about business ideas and how to create good ones. And how to avoid basing business ideas on thoughtless impulses.
Opinion by " Magdalena Bibik
How the Hunger Games can help you come up with a prospecting masterplan
This week, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, addresses the most challenging part of developing a business: reaching out to prospects and gaining their attention to convert them. Much like the Hunger Games, successfully mastering this game requires fire and resilience, two qualities Caroline has identified in Katniss Everdeen.
Opinion by " Caroline Franczia
The four people who will tell you how to build a successful product
And the four people you shouldn’t be listening to. Is your product building itself? It should be. The longer I’ve been an entrepreneur, the more I believe in the self-perpetuating success of a product and a startup. Yes, there’s still a lot of hard work to be done. Yes, you need experience to make critical decisions. Yes, external factors can take a company down at any given moment.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
How startups go from cool new thing to must have product
If you want customers, focus on useful over flash. I just launched the most boring MVP of my career. Admittedly, it was boring on purpose, but even I was shocked at how vanilla the results were. It’s OK though, because even though the MVP was dull as shit, it was also useful as hell. At this early stage, useful is all I care about.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Break the linearity of your sales process. Embrace the cycle of the subscription era
This week, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, compares your typical sales cycle to a foreboding sense of déjà vu. Do you feel like you’re living the same day over and over again – and do your customers as well? It’s 2020, and you can do better than that. To help you avoid a dysfunctional process and offer a customer cycle instead, Caroline has called upon no other than the exceptional Mary Poppins.
News by " Caroline Franczia
How the best ideas are born
Are you one of those people who come up with great ideas on the go? Who have dozens of ideas up their sleeve, ready to be shared with the world and turned into unicorns? No? Then maybe this article will you get closer to becoming an idea generation mastermind.
Opinion by " Magdalena Bibik
What does true startup disruption look like?
What does Blockbuster Video have to do with the concept of startup disruption in the 2020s? Disruption is one of those startup terms that I hate even though I love what it means. The term gets tossed around too often, used out of context, and casually stamped on ideas that aren’t as disruptive as they are just… stupid.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Competing against well-funded US companies for top talent
This week, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, dives into the plot of Moneyball. All eyes are on Billy Beane, who develops tactics to recruit players and achieve results at the lowest possible expense.
News by " Caroline Franczia
Why successful entrepreneurs reject great product ideas
“Hey! I’ve got this really great idea for you.” It’s those two words at the end of that sentence — “for you” — for your company, for your product, for your business. Those two words can spark a mighty cringe in anyone who has ever built something.
Tools by " Joe Procopio

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.