

Four must-haves before you advertise your startup’s product
Is digital advertising dying? That’s a thorny argument that my peers and I have been having over the last year. I tend to take the death side of the argument. I’m not saying that Google and Facebook’s business models are now broken and both of them are going to crater. But if you’ve been paying attention, the world’s two largest ad networks have recently changed the game — quietly, but rather radically.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Man shadow walking
To get the most out of a meeting, don’t mind the gap
Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, looks to Fight Club’s Tyler Durden to teach readers how to finesse their meetings.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
To get the most out of meetings, don’t mind the gap
How to turn your side hustle into a successful startup
If it seems like everyone has a second job these days, that’s actually not too far from the truth. It’s never been easier to start a side hustle than it is right now. The question is: Can you turn your part-time gig into a sustainable, scalable business?
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Umbrella Shadow
How to monetise a two-sided marketplace
The lure of a two-sided marketplace is in its simplicity. All you have to do is let customers in one door and let vendors in another, then get paid when they transact.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
How to monetise a two-sided marketplace
The art of letting go – of employees
Talking about parting ways is tough to say the least. Today, Caroline Franczia looks to Titanic for separation tips for leaders and entrepreneurs.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
The art of letting go – of your employees
Should you share your unfinished ideas in public?
I mean, someone might steal them… One of the most common questions I get as an idea educator is: “should one share unfinished ideas with the world?”. The scare of someone taking over one’s idea and making it their own can be paralysing and sometimes even stop the creator from mentioning the idea at all. When in fact, feedback and input is what most unfinished ideas need the most.
Tools by " Magdalena Bibik
Popcorn for the New CEO - Book Review
If you’re anything like me you have a busy lifestyle. Let’s face it being an entrepreneur is as much about perfecting your time management skills as it is about building a team, product and identifying market fit. That’s why when I heard about Popcorn for the New CEO, a startup mentorship business advice book that combined truly practical advice in a snackable and digestible content format. I had to have it.
News by " January Barnes
Here’s what investors will ask about your startup’s revenue plan
It seems like a requirement that every startup’s investor pitch deck includes a slide that shows revenue increasing exponentially over time. The classic definition of a “hockey stick” growth chart.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Here’s what investors will ask about your startup’s revenue plan
What NFTs and Digital Assets mean for startups and entrepreneurs
Meme stocks are yesterday’s news. The hype machine on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is at full tilt. So is there something of value here for an opportunistic entrepreneur?
Opinion by " Joe Procopio
Joe Procopio Leaf Fronds black and white
The reinvention of working in sales – as explained by Jerry Maguire
Sales, owned for decades by people who are good with people, a job that requires intense networking and face-to-face meetings, is now happening 100% remotely in most countries. From leadership to managing prospects and customers, what are the key learnings of 2020 and best practices to apply in 2021?
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
The reinvention of working in sales – as explained by Jerry Maguire
How startups use their resources to find product-market fit
Maximise the minimum and the viable in your product. The tricky thing about launching a new product to market is that it’s barely even a milestone worth celebrating. What comes next is a series of chicken-and-egg problems and snap decisions on the way to product-market fit.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
How startups use their resources to find product-market fit
OKRs or alignment? Don’t shrink your employees’ impact
‘Objective key results’, perhaps most famously adopted by Google, have a long history – harking back to Intel in 1968. Nowadays the startup world is divided. Should you, or should you not, implement them?
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
OKRs or alignment? Don’t shrink your employees’ impact
Why startups should chase incremental revenue instead of unicorns
Windfalls are awesome, but they’re not a growth strategy. If a startup spends all its time chasing jackpots, it’ll just bleed its runway to death.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Why startups should chase incremental revenue instead of unicorns
Your startup’s revenue problem is probably a broken sales process
There’s a single source of truth that determines the success or failure of your business. If you’re not generating the revenue numbers you need to extend your runway, hit your goals, and develop traction, then failure is a foregone conclusion.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Your startup’s revenue problem is probably a broken sales process

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