

Don’t waste time trying to get press for your startup
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup (#75), I answered a founder’s question about how to get press for her two-year-old startup, now that they’re seeing traction again after nearly being taken out by COVID lockdowns.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Don’t waste time trying to get press for your startup
ROI by vendor, a bunch of Hocus Pocus?
It's Halloween, and I couldn't resist making another bold statement: in most cases, building a business case to prove return on investment in a sales campaign is just: a bunch of Hocus Pocus. Many scale-ups have learned and developed a sales process with critical stages, one of which is often: proving the ROI.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
ROI by vendor, a bunch of Hocus Pocus?
How to create a solid SEO strategy?
Creating a new project needs a lot of time and effort. So many things have to be right for it to become popular among readers and your future clients. We’re sure your teams work hard to make it worth every visit by Internet users.
Tools by " Frank Hamilton
How to create a solid SEO strategy?
Your startup is going to sell to everyone, even if it kills you
Most successful entrepreneurs are driven by a single mantra: “I’ve gotta sell more product.” Taken in the “corporate” context, that sentence can evoke images of faceless companies steamrolling everyone to push a few more units out the door — and into this quarter’s earnings report. But for a smaller startup, selling additional product is more about flexibility than brute force.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Your startup is going to sell to everyone, even if it kills you
What the heck is revenue architecture?
It’s 2021, and many companies have already hired a Chief Revenue Officer. But, for most startups and scale-ups, the notion of revenue is still all about having a well-oiled sales machine. In this piece, I have revived Hannibal Smith (aka CRO) and his A-team through the customer-facing departments. If you have a problem that no one else can solve. Maybe you can hire the A Team.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
Marketing your startup begins with your product, not your pitch
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup (#69), I answered a question from an entrepreneur who needed to make a decision about the marketing direction for his new product — one that was on its way to the minimum viable product stage (MVP).
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Marketing your startup begins with your product, not your pitch
Startup leaders: You’re probably lacking this critical skill
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup (#68), I answered a question from a former corporate leader turned first-time entrepreneur about how to deal with the loss of a key employee for an indeterminate length of time for personal reasons.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Startup leaders: You’re probably lacking this critical skill
Calling all entrepreneurs: can we just keep it simple?
After all these years as a successful (sometimes) entrepreneur, do you want to know what I still struggle with the most? I can’t keep it simple. Ever. I break this cardinal rule of business constantly, without remorse. Whether it’s my posts or my emails or my plans or my experiments, it takes every bit of restraint I have not to write manifestos or to build the kinds of systems that would make Rube Goldberg wince.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
For the love of God, Entrepreneurs, just keep it simple
Startup funding always comes with this catch
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered a question from a second-time entrepreneur about accepting venture capital funding that would ultimately put his product on a different path than the one he believes will make his startup a billion-dollar company.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Startup funding always comes with this catch
If you want your startup to grow, understand what you can control
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered an entrepreneur’s question about customer acquisition costs (CAC) and how much of a reduction in those costs might be expected as a new startup expands its market.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
If you want your startup to grow, understand what you can control
Success won’t come until you know what you want
I recently answered a question about the challenge of hiring in the post-pandemic job market. While that answer covered a few potential reasons why finding talent has become so competitive and how a startup might address those challenges, in this post, I want to expand a little more on just one of those reasons.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Success won’t come until you know what you want
Debunking the unwritten rules of startup with Joe Procopio
What’s your favorite startup rule? What’s that one saying that you always fall back on when you’re having trouble pushing an idea into reality? Mine is “Go fast and break stuff.” In five words, it reminds me that everything I do is an experiment, nothing new is ever perfect, and I’ll never know if an idea works until I put it out there to potentially blow up in my face.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Debunking the unwritten rules of startup with Joe Procopio
Startup success can hinge on one subtle difference
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered an entrepreneur’s question about how to increase customer demand and turn that demand into repeatable sales. Here we look at how customer want becomes customer need becomes customer demand.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Startup success can hinge on one subtle difference
Your startup has competition, and you need to become their customer
Sign up for every product and service remotely like yours and start learning. In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered an entrepreneur’s question about how to find customers for his startup’s minimum viable product (MVP). While the answer mostly focused on what type of customer prospect personas he should be seeking out, I also spent a little time talking about proactively infiltrating and disrupting his competitors.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Your startup has competition, and you need to become their customer

Maddyness Factory

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