

5 lessons from Ikea to inspire startups
With a report by Ikea about the evolution in ways of life around the world, a handful of journalists were able to discover the behind the scenes workings of the Swedish giant, from product concepts to their latest test lab. Maddyness was part of the journey and demystifies the secret recipes that make the symbolic blue and yellow company so successful.
News by " Geraldine Russell
Ikea building
How do you announce that your startup isn’t going well?
Financial problems, strategic errors, or the end of the adventure, it's sometimes hard for entrepreneurs to realise the weaknesses of their small business. However, being honest and transparent could be more valuable than we thought...
News by " Perrine Signoret
How to double or triple your development without a growth manager 
How can you double or triple your growth without necessarily using a growth manager? Gabriel Gourovitch, founder and host of the podcast Growth Makers, gives you the keys to an effective growth strategy,
News by " Gabriel Gourovitch
Why is the UK so good at generating cutting-edge biotech firms?
Why startups fall apart at 50 employees
Joe Procopio explores how best to coach your business from its teen phase to adulthood.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
How to make a successful crowdfunding campaign
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: several recommendations to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.
Tools by " Maddyness
Life planning platform helps users simplify their post-death affairs for loved ones
How startups grow fast without imploding
Joe Procopio explains how you can strike a balance between growth and profitability from the earliest stages of your company.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Do you (really) have to start a business if you want to be an entrepreneur?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: learn how to ask yourself good questions if you want to be an entrepreneur because there are always several solutions.
Tools by " Maddyness
Plastic Ducks options
What are you risking when creating a startup?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: damage-limitation advice when creating your startup.
Tools by " Maddyness
generic building
How to grab the attention of an investor at a tech fair
Taking a stand at a tech fair is a significant financial and human investment for a startup, but there are many ways to make it worthwhile. One good reason is to use it to attract potential investors.
Opinion by " David Johnson
How to scale a startup to 50 employees without losing its culture
Joe Procopio shares his advice on the critical steps you need to make at each stage of your company’s early growth to ensure you can keep your culture and growth.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
How to write a (good) business plan
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: the construction of a business plan from A to Z.
Tools by " Maddyness
Quick tips to make your office more sustainable
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: some quick and easy tips about sustainability and how to make your office more sustainable and environmentally-friendly.
News by " Tali Ramsey
What is self-confidence? And how can you find it?
Self-confidence is believing in yourself and knowing that you are able to face whatever might come at you. It is the capacity to do something even if you have doubts.
Tools by " François THIBAULT
take the mic
How to register your business in 13 relatively easy steps
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has created a true kit of different steps to follow in creating, growing, and even selling your own startup. From hiring to protecting your brand and moving on to financing your innovation, you will find tips and good practices so that you can easily find your way in the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: the steps you must take when starting a business.
Tools by " Maddyness
Steps British Museum

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.