Women’s health in the workplace: where has it all gone wrong?
The rejection of the Menopause Bill by UK parliament due to fears of discrimination against men has shone an important spotlight on women’s health in the workplace. Whilst this is now gaining more mainstream recognition, for women this is nothing new.
Opinion by " Lesley Cooper
womens health at work
The Legal Designer: graphic designer, re-drafter or neither?
Max Lunn talked to CEO and founder of TLB (The Law Boutique), Electra Japonas, to get an insight into all things legal design. TLB is currently looking to hire a senior legal consultant to join their thriving ‘legal transformation’ team.
Decoding by " Max Lunn
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Three things recruiters wish you knew
Whether you’re a victim of the recent onslaught of tech layoffs or are looking for a new opportunity in your current field, looking for a new job can be a time-consuming and insecurity-inducing experience.
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
The time is now for the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Officer
At Maddyness, we have recently launched our job board to connect the right people with the right roles. As part of our commitment to shed some light on what these roles mean, we’re diving into the responsibilities, strategic importance and talent-profiles attached to them. This week, we look into the diversity, equality and inclusion officer.
Tools by " Max Lunn
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 2
5 best paying tech jobs this year
Despite recent headlines, the UK’s tech sector remains robust. In 2022 alone, UK-based tech companies raised near-record levels of funding (£24B), and received more venture capital investment than any other European country.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Building rapport, preventing uproar: being a Community Manager in 2023
In recent years, the role of the community manager within UK startups has become increasingly important. A community manager acts as a liaison between a company and the wider public, managing interactions with the customer base, building relationships, and developing customer loyalty.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 5
Why 2023 is the year to increase your visibility in the workplace
It’s normal to assume that if you keep your head down, hit your targets and continue to work hard career progression will automatically happen. Unfortunately, that’s the professional equivalent of thinking your perfect partner will one day knock on your front door with a view to living happily ever after. It’s just not going to happen.
News by " Aisling O’Toole
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 5
The Chief of Staff role: being the ‘CEO’s right-hand’
Whilst this position may sound like it’s straight out of The White House, it’s becoming increasingly common at UK tech firms and startups – could it be your next role?
Decoding by " Max Lunn
Chief of Staff
Scaling intelligently in the age of lay-offs and hyper-inflation
With continued slow growth in tech, investors will more readily scrutinise startups and deploy capital at a slower pace. Startups are therefore likely to curtail their growth, resulting in more layoffs and business consolidation.
Opinion by " Giovanni Luperti
Hiring intelligently
Maddyness and Jobbio join forces to connect top talent with open roles
Maddyness and Jobbio announce partnership to put the right jobs in front of the right audience.
News by " Maddyness, with Jobbio
How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money
Musk is wrong. UK business leaders' clock off at 3pm and WFH, says new research
New research commissioned by Samsung, surveying 1,000 UK business executives, reveals that burning the midnight oil is no longer the norm: the average ‘clocking off time’ for business leaders is now 3.06pm.
News by " Maddyness UK
Musk is wrong. Business leaders clock off at 3 pm.
New Tech Nation Visa Report reveals growing importance of non-UK nationals
The 2022 edition of the report demonstrates the major contribution of global tech talent in the UK – revealing that nearly a fifth of tech founders based in the UK are non-UK national – as well as the surge in Tech Nation Global Talent Visa grants.
News by " Max Lunn
man completing application
5 tips on applying for a job at a startup
The most important thing a founder does is hiring. A great early team can make or break a company. Early hires will set the culture and help to turn a vision into a revenue generating reality.
Tools by " Michael Young
5 tips on applying for a job at a startup
Show your team you care: 7 ideas for employee recognition and appreciation
Expressing employee gratitude can positively impact employees and the work they perform for your company.
Tools by " Ron Stefanski
Show your team you care: 7 ideas for employee recognition and appreciation

Maddyness Factory

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