

How data management helps to structure your business – best approaches
The data control strategy should have a robust data quality management framework. Ihor Sheyko, Managing Partner of Digicode, insists that organised data is a critical component of this framework, representing a basis for in-depth analysis of data patterns and anomalies to identify potential problems. The advanced data management processes are a prerequisite for structuring all business assets.
Opinion by " Ihor Sheyko
Ihor Sheyko
Driving business insights: A guide to building an effective dashboard
In today's world, where businesses rely heavily on data, dashboards play an important role in facilitating decision-making processes. A dashboard is a visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and other critical data points, consolidated into a single interface for easy interpretation and analysis.
Tools by " Mariia Merkulova
Driving business insights: A guide to building an effective dashboard
Left-Shift Data Platform: How to overcome early stage startup challenges to be Data-Driven
Data Platform is a fundamental necessity for any startup in 2024. Although, there are many early stage startups are struggling to being a Data Driven at Frist Place. This article discusses early-stage startups' current challenges and how I build cost-effective strategy to address these solution for a upcoming social media startup.
Portfolio by " Madiha Khalid
Madiha Khalid
Infrastructure Outlook 2024: Power Grabs, Geopolitics & Green Reporting
2023 was an exceptional year for data center growth, and it looks like 2024 will be the same, but with new and more creative approaches to supply.
Opinion by " Mark Kidd
Mark Kidd
Meet Planning-inc, the startup turning customer data into a competitive advantage
As part of our new quickfire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Stuart Russell, chief strategy officer of Planning-inc, about CRMs, CLVs, FVMs and NBAs to best understand your customers and their future behaviours.
Portfolio by " Stuart Russell
5 cybersecurity myths that are compromising your data
As the importance of cybersecurity has increased, so has our awareness of it. Poor cybersecurity has been identified as the most pressing threat to businesses today.
Portfolio by " Barry O'Donnell
When it comes to biometrics, are our bodies the ultimate tool to protect our privacy and personal data?
Why the sea is an underappreciated test bed for innovation
Water covers some 71% of the surface of our planet, and more than 80% of it remains unexplored. We know so little about what lies on the sea bed and what our oceans actually contain. We’ve sent rovers to neighbouring planets and probes deep into space, and those missions have yielded not only fascinating scientific discoveries, but innovation and technology that has since been applied to more every day, commercial use cases. Our seas will spawn similar benefits.
Opinion by " Brian Allen
Why the sea is an underappreciated test bed for innovation
Smart cities need to embrace big data in order to thrive
The pandemic had a monumental impact on the way we travel and forced transport operators to rethink their business models. This includes evaluating digital developments in 5G, AI, big data, and so on; and the potential of such developments have only just begun to activate change within the transport sector.
Opinion by " Brian O’Rourke
Smart cities need to embrace big data in order to thrive
The advertising engine: an interview with Ogury’s global chief revenue officer
Raphael Rodier, global chief revenue officer at Ogury, discusses the launch of the business in 2014, areas for improvement in digital advertising and his thoughts on GDPR.
Portfolio by " Ogury
The advertising engine: an interview with Ogury’s global chief revenue officer
Hello? Why can’t you understand me: the challenge of tech pivoting to audio
The global pandemic has changed a lot of things about life - the most prominent being the huge reduction in face-to-face contact. We rushed to our Zoom quizzes, constant video calls, and online delivery services to try and keep our lives ticking along. In the process of this, something else changed: we switched to audio.
Opinion by " David Keene
Hello? Why can’t you understand me: the challenge of tech pivoting to audio
Data intelligence can simplify compliance for financial institutions
By using data to their advantage, companies can keep track of the evolution of financial transactions and regulation.
News by " Maddyness
Data intelligence can simplify compliance for financial institutions
Intelligent management platform supports retailers to drive sales and KPIs
The retail industry has been challenged like never before since March 2020. As lockdown eases, retailers are looking to explore new ways to boost business and regain a sense of normality within their operation.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Intelligent management platform supports retailers to drive sales and KPIs
Stop sweeping corporate data breaches under the rug: Interview with Nathaniel Fried, cofounder of TurgenSec
Do you really have any idea how much of your data is publicly available – legally or illegally? TurgenSec helps people and organisations get to grips with how exposed they are, before offering an across-the-board cybersecurity package to remedy this exposure.
Portfolio by " Florence Wildblood
Stop sweeping corporate data breaches under the rug: Interview with Nathaniel Fried, cofounder of TurgenSec
The popular health apps collecting your personal data
We know by now that when we use apps, our data is up for grabs. Thanks to Apple’s new privacy labels, we know exactly what data each app collects, from name, age and address, to weight or sexual activity.
News by " Maddyness UK
The popular health apps collecting your personal data

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