We care deeply about the human experience at work. That may be a bit odd from a company proud of AI at its core, but we think your people can do more amazing things - if you let them. Humdrum tasks like 'answer that email', 'key in that data', 'find that piece of information' are a serious waste of your employees' potential. If you can instead give them back their headspace, their ability to add value can soar - as can their satisfaction at work. It's why we created Vector. We started from a fundamental belief that your staff should spend their time on the things that make a difference. Such as speaking to customers and delivering better service or understanding how to do more business - heck, maybe even allocating more time to those customers you couldn't quite service before, but always wanted to. Better operations means better business. But even more importantly, happy staff - freed from process pain - make for happy customers. You can really tell. James and Nisarg, our two co-founders, started the company in 2017. James lived the problem, Nisarg understood the solution. Both firmly felt that a product that could fundamentally use the content of day-to-day enterprise activity to make workflows better would be incredibly powerful. This is work 2.0.