Over the past few decades, technology has revolutionised everything about the way we live, work and interact with each other, and all industries are having to embrace technology to meet customers’ demands, drive efficiencies and improve customer experience. However, the pharmacy sector has been slow to adopt new practices, and the processes that form the backbone of patient care at the point of delivery are not keeping up with the pace of change in other sectors. The vast majority of prescriptions are written on paper, care plans are manual, communication between healthcare professionals is poor and the supply chain for medicines is still as it was 20 years ago. These inefficiencies drain the NHS and prevent us from delivering 21st century care to the patients who need it the most. Our mission is to improve patient outcomes, reduce NHS costs and enhance the way healthcare professionals deliver care. We aim to do this by developing well-designed, intuitive software solutions that put pharmacy at the heart of healthcare so it can play a more central role in medicine management.