We’ll spend more than half of our lives at work. That’s 10x more time than we’ll spend exercising, 5x more time than we’ll spend in education, and more than 2x the amount of time we’ll spend with those we love. We may not have chosen to spend most of our lives working, but it’s a fact of the world we live in. We’re rebuilding work in a way that’s better for businesses and better for people. What we’re building lets everyone own their careers independent of employers, and build permanent relationships with their co-workers. This allows businesses to focus on defining meaningful futures for themselves and their customers, and lets them work with employees as strategic assets—not expendable ones. The future we’re building removes the need for densely populated cities, improves the health of businesses and those who work for them, distributes opportunity fairly and allows democratic access to talent. We’re Distributed. We’re not a technology company. We’re a human company, using technology to make sure that how we choose to spend our lives works for us—not the other way round.