BankiFi was created around a simple premise. How can banks get ahead of the wave of disruption caused by advances in technology and changes in regulation? How can they turn it on its head, and use it to their advantage? We are not a Fintech - we are not here to disrupt, we are here to help banks become and remain more relevant to the SME whilst at the same time protect and proactively drive Bank’s core business: lending. As well as all that we create new value added revenue streams by enabling Banks to provide “beyond banking” services that customers need and will pay for. We are committed to youthshoring, rather than offshoring – creating the next generation of technology experts. And we are committed to build the heart of our business from the North of the UK to service the world’s SMEs. We are an SME that understands the problems SMEs face and we are Bank technologists that understand Banking and the problems and threats Banks face making us uniquely positioned as the right partner for a Bank to provide a best in class embedded banking experience for SMEs.