Are you good at inbound marketing? Would you consider yourself technically proficient? Have you ever closed a high-dollar sale? Could you balance your company’s books in a pinch?
Improving your Google SEO rating is important for growth and to maintain your authority within your sector. However, the rapidly changing SEO sphere and keyword matches make it hard to know how specific or generalised you should be with your keyword research.
When a business relationship sours, it’s not a relationship worth saving. I’m a total team player. But even after 20+ years and 14 startups, I’ve never been a cofounder. Not once.
One of the things I love about working on Teaching Startup — my project to democratise startup mentorship by making it affordable and timely — is that every once in a while we don’t answer an entrepreneur’s question so much as get them to discover the answer they already know.
Maddyness UK speaks to Katy Medlock, UK General Manager at Back Market, about why the tech device industry needs to change, the circular economy and how our obsession with new tech has more impact than we think.
Recently, I answered a question about sales contracts, asked by an entrepreneur who apologised in advance for the boring nature of her question. She also made it clear that she was not looking for legal advice or definitions of terms, but rather how to use elements of the contract itself to optimise opportunity and maximise her profit.
As remote working increasingly becomes the norm for many companies, employers need to ensure they are aware and proactive on the set of tax-related challenges this new approach creates. According to a recent study from XpertHR, 97% of UK firms have gone hybrid.
In over 20 years of doling out startup advice, I try really hard not to tell people when to raise money and from whom. But I have no problem jumping into the “why.”
When starting a business, you make a huge number of decisions, on everything from office location to company branding. With so many things to think about, founders and business leaders might overlook some of the fundamental steps around employment.
Visual content is pivotal to your success on social media. Creating content that fans enjoy interacting with makes your brand more memorable and increases the possibility of your audience sharing the content and expanding its reach.
Can the customer success manager be the modern fairy godmother your clients are looking for?
Office landlines will be extinct by the end of the decade according to the latest Ofcom data. For many SMEs, this will come as no surprise: in 2021, there’s no shortage of channels through which to contact a business.
On their launch day, we're speaking to Amplify, the new climate donation app that empowers a network of sustainable brands to deliver a personalised donation experience to climate charities
Last week, I answered a founder’s question about how to pinpoint the right revenue streams for his two-sided marketplace, now that it was seeing traction on the vendor side.