Rimilia has secured £11.5M from existing investors and partners Eight Roads Ventures, Kennet Partners, and Silicon Valley Bank.
"Fashion is an eternal cycle"... so is innovation in retail. In 2019, the U.K.'s fashion industry was worth £60 billion and is the number one creative sector. Eager to ease user experience for both retailers and customers, new startups are being created, investing massive efforts in enhancing AI, tools and user experience. Here's a glimpse of some fashiontech startups to watch in 2020.
Google was founded in 1998 and has grown to become a global search engine responsible for over 70% of searches online and the company has 90.46% of the search engine market share worldwide. However, with growing concerns regarding search privacy, cookies and targeted advertising, people are seeking alternatives that they can use alongside their daily Google searches or websites that will replace their Google use altogether. Here are eight fantastic alternatives if you want to try life without Google.
However often we see the unanswered issues in the structure of society, be it homelessness; the plight of refugees seeking safety; providing support for those suffering from mental illness; connecting communities of those deemed less ‘able-bodied’ than the societal norm; even reigniting the hopes of the disenfranchised, it takes true visionaries to seek solutions. And smart solutions, too.
We often forget that throughout someone’s life, there can be massive changes in their home circumstances that impact their happiness, well-being and career prospects. From an employer's point of view, this can radically change an employee's productivity and engagement at work, as well as driving attrition and the gender pay gap.
We can't ignore wearable tech anymore: it's everywhere, it's cool, and it's fashion! Whether it's an ultra-connected smartwatch or fancy headphones, here are some of the quirkiest wearable tech pieces to remember from 2019.