Pitch, demonstration, or even entrepreneur profiles, etc. It's in this 'Forum' section where you'll find the best startups, VCs, technologies and innovations.
Our selection All the Portfolios
An AI-focused fund with a tech-first approach, a profile of Alpha Intelligence Capital
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Terry Chou and Uday Sandhu, partners at Alpha Intelligence Capital.
Portfolio by " Terry Chou & Uday Sandhu
Meet Minerva, an online independent school offering a world-class private education
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Hugh Viney, founder and director of Minerva Tutors and CEO of Minerva's Virtual Academy about tutoring, delivering world-class private education online and educating the first children on Mars.
Portfolio by " Hugh Viney
Meet Emm, a biowearable menstrual product with personalised data
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jenny Button, founder and CEO of Emm about building a smart menstrual product, working around the huge data gaps in women’s health and the importance of knowing the questions not the answers.
Portfolio by " Jenny Button
9 startups that reconcile space and the environment
A nascent environmentalism is taking root in the space sector. Whilst legacy space companies like Blue Origin operate under the fatalistic assumption that 'the Earth is finite' - turning space into an exploitable resource - a new wave of startups are looking into how best space technologies can assist sustainable development back on earth.
Portfolio by " Sacha Chérif
Want to make greener investment choices? Meet Sugi
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Josh Gregory, founder of Sugi about how the business is driving growth in green investing through user-friendly and engaging options for everyday investors.
Portfolio by " Josh Gregory
A smart and efficient battery system, meet Alp Technologies
As part of a series with Innovate UK KTN, Maddyness spoke to James Kong, founder of Alp Technologies. We will introduce several of the 13 ‘startups of the future’ chosen by Innovate UK KTN to take part in its three-month sustainability accelerator programme. Working with Innovate UK KTN, Growth Studio and their ecosystems, these startups will prepare to raise external capital. The program aims to back the bright ideas that put biodiversity, the climate, and sustainability first.
Portfolio by " James Kong
A smart and efficient battery system, meet Alp Technologies
Making public transport more accessible
Able-bodied people often take the ease of using public transport for granted, but it’s a very different story for those with disabilities and extra needs. We spoke to Jay Shen, managing director at Transreport, about how the app is making a big difference.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Hate ironing? Meet ihateironing, the 24hr door to door laundry service
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Matthew Connelly, founder and CEO of ihateironing about staying on top of laundry, expanding to New York and the importance of surrounding yourself with a team of determined people.
Portfolio by " Matthew Connelly
Mission-driven capital to preserve our way of life, a profile of C5 Capital
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Kurt Scherer, Managing Partner at C5 Capital.
Portfolio by " Kurt Scherer
Mission-driven capital to preserve our way of life, a profile of C5 Capital
Meet JULIENNE BRUNO, innovators of original and naturally plant-based food
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Axel Katalan, founder of JULIENNE BRUNO about naturally plant-based food, solving production issues, the importance of getting the right team and the launch of collection 02.
Portfolio by " Axel Katalan
Meet SunGod, the B Corp direct-to-consumer eyewear brand that sees things differently
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Zoe Watkiss, cofounder of SunGod about crowdfunding, lifetime guarantees, doing things differently and getting people to See Better.
Portfolio by " Zoe Watkiss
Meet SunGod, the B Corp direct-to-consumer eyewear brand that sees things differently
Meet Transreport, the startup democratising transport to create better journeys for all
Shortly after their victory at the Super Connect for Good competition, we spoke to Jay Shen, Managing Director of Transreport about making all journeys more accessible and why inclusivity and diversity drives everything they do.
Portfolio by " Jay Shen
Meet YardLink, the B2B marketplace digitising the construction supply chain
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Neeral Shah, cofounder and CEO of YardLink about digital marketplaces, the complexities of construction supply chains and how connectivity and efficiency can boost profit margins.
Portfolio by " Neeral Shah
Meet Launch Mappers, implementing smart growth strategies for ambitions startups
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to David Odier, founder of LaunchMappers about growth strategies, working with freelancers and the importance of finding meaning at work.
Portfolio by " David Odier

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.