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From wobble rooms to title inflation: what’s in and out in the workplace in 2024
Forget New Year’s resolutions, this year the in and out list has taken over and everyone from influencers to your local coffee shop has been curating what’s on their hotlist for the year ahead.
Opinion by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
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Stretch us out don't stress us out
This article emphasises the importance of feeling good at work for better performance, advocating for attention management, delegation, mindfulness, and inclusion as key strategies to distinguish between being ‘positively stretched’ and stressed, for maintaining well-being and productivity in the workplace.
Opinion by " Paul Anderson-Walsh
Stretch us out don't stress us out
Anxiety toolkit: three ways to calm your mind and body before an important meeting
Anxiety can feel like a storm cloud swirling around you, clouding your mind with what ifs, self-doubt or worst-case scenarios and making your body feel jittery, tense or unsettled. The level of distraction can be so high that it is really hard to concentrate or bring your best self forward. Clearly this is not helpful before an important meeting.
Opinion by " Noa Belling
Anxiety toolkit: three ways to calm your mind and body before an important meeting
Infrastructure Outlook 2024: Power Grabs, Geopolitics & Green Reporting
2023 was an exceptional year for data center growth, and it looks like 2024 will be the same, but with new and more creative approaches to supply.
Opinion by " Mark Kidd
Mark Kidd
A glimpse into the future: Antler's partners predictions for this new year
To get the year off to a great start, Antler partners from all around Europe share with us exclusive and impactful advice.
Opinion by " Paul Ferretti
Fortune Teller Looking in a Crystal Ball
Why 2024 will be the year of Green IT
In tech, we tend to think our activity is pretty clean. We work on shiny new computers, editing files that live in a pristine cloud… and we’ve replaced so many business trips with GMeets that we can’t impact the planet that much, can we? Think again.
Opinion by " James Martin
Why 2024 will be the year of Green IT
The cost of inaction and the opportunities lost to the climate crisis
The climate crisis is a tragedy for people and planet, but with it falling down the list of priorities for certain businesses and politicians, it may help to consider the revenue potential lost and the inevitable and growing bill of doing nothing, argues Christian Hernandez, cofounder and partner at 2150.
Opinion by " Christian Hernandez Gallardo
The cost of inaction and the opportunities lost to the climate crisis
3 ways to make ESG more meaningful – with focus on the ‘S’ in ESG
Over the past ten years, the concept of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become mainstream for businesses in many industries. While the environmental (especially climate change) and governance aspects were spearheading the ESG movement, the ‘S’ or social is now quickly catching up. The social aspect of ESG covers a range of factors related to the company’s interaction with society, employees, customers and other stakeholders.
Opinion by " Ildiko Almasi Simsic
3 ways to make ESG more meaningful – with focus on the ‘S’ in ESG
What if the Paris and London ecosystems united rather than diverged, even in the face of Brexit?
Paris and London are rival but complementary cities. According to Laura Citron, CEO of London & Partners, and Russell Stopford, CEO of Stadion, they have everything to gain by building more bridges between them.
Opinion by " Maxence Fabrion
What if the Paris and London ecosystems united rather than diverged, even in the face of Brexit?
Why coding isn’t necessary for a career in tech
We saw proof that tech facilitates many livelihoods during the Covid pandemic. The People and Skills Report 2022 from Tech Nation says, ‘During the uncertain times faced by most people over... the Covid pandemic, technology has been an enabler for individuals, companies and communities. It has facilitated new ways of working and kept the economy buoyant.’
Opinion by " Sonal Shah
Why coding isn’t necessary for a career in tech
The ‘future of work’ is already here
Throughout the ages, we’ve had seismic shifts in the nature of work and the skills needed. It’s happened with civilisation, industrialisation, the Web, globalisation, automation - the list goes on. The term ‘future of work’ therefore, is not a specific issue that we need to engage and be done with; the nature of work is constantly evolving and we would be wise to always have the future of work in mind so we can adapt.
Opinion by " Farley Thomas
The ‘future of work’ is already here
Ditching "carbon offsetting" for contribution models: An interview with Rupert Staines and Gavin Sheppard
Paul Ferretti spoke to Rupert Staines, Co-Founder and CEO of Vector, and Gavin Sheppard, CEO of Pinwheel, about sustainibility, ditching carbon offsettings and the delicate balance within our oceans.
Opinion by " Paul Ferretti
Rupert & Gavin
Why AI is finally catching up with financial services
Generative AI has the potential to reshape entire industries and how they operate, and financial services stand out as uniquely poised for AI-driven transformation. McKinsey & Company calls generative AI the next frontier for productivity, estimating that analyzing natural language text — a core generative AI use case — accounts for an average of 25% of the time people spend in any given enterprise.
Opinion by " Chandini Jain
Why AI is finally catching up with financial services
The next five years will generate a boom of Ukrainian tech talent
It’s an unfortunate truth that war breeds innovation. WWII was the source of many technologies and scientific advances that form part of our everyday lives - from microwave ovens, computers and quantum physics to blood transfusions, skin grafts and penicillin - it would be difficult to imagine a world without such technology.
Opinion by " Andriy Dovbenko
The next five years will generate a boom of Ukrainian tech talent

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