Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Inflection moments – how to recognise and capitalise on leadership breakthroughs
What’s our biggest struggle as leaders? It’s not what we often think: the struggle for money, power and resources. It’s the struggle against time.
Opinion by " Sharath Jeevan OBE
Inflection moments – how to recognise and capitalise on leadership breakthroughs
How Temu is taking on the giants of e-commerce
If you have shopped online over the last year or so, chances are you have come across Temu. The e-commerce app that is part of the Chinese conglomerate, Pinduoduo, and has been quite aggressively marketed – even advertising during the Super Bowl – and consequently in the United States alone it had more downloads than companies like Amazon and Walmart during the second quarter of 2022.
Opinion by " Steven van Belleghem
How Temu is taking on the giants of e-commerce
Navigating the AI labyrinth in financial services: Balancing innovation with responsibility
The Bank of England has recently announced that it will be conducting a comprehensive review into the potential risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the UK's financial system. AI is believed to play a big role in 2024 for the financial services, promising a revolution in efficiency, personalisation, and access. However, with such transformative power comes immense responsibility.
Opinion by " Sarah-Jayne van Greune
Sarah-Jayne van Greune
The value in developing a fear embracing mindset
Fear can be our greatest ally or our worst enemy, it all depends on how we deal with it, process it and understand it. When it comes to fear, I have a confession to make: I always have it, to a greater or lesser degree. Fear is an integral part of me.
Opinion by " Jose Ucar
The value in developing a fear embracing mindset
Supply chain resilience should be the primary driver of retail M&A activity in 2024, says industry expert
Ed Bradley argues that retail executives need to prioritise fortifying supply chains in 2024 through strategic M&A activity, which focuses on onboarding vital technologies.
Opinion by " Ed Bradley
ed bradley
Five lessons I’m taking into 2024 as a founder of a global tech company
Coming back to my desk after a very snowy Estonian holiday season, I’m feeling rested and ready for the year ahead. A year which, speaking to other founders at a recent founder meet-up, is expected to continue to be more of an uphill struggle than a steady climb.
Opinion by " Karoli Hindriks
karoli hindriks
How the cost-of-living crisis changes the way shoppers think
Nothing influences consumer behaviour in the same way as an economic downturn. But how can shoppers and businesses adapt to changing environments as budgets tighten?
Opinion by " Rebecca Barnatt-Smith
How the cost-of-living crisis changes the way shoppers think
Solving liquidity challenges for founders and early-stage investors
For founders, raising initial or subsequent venture capital funding is understandably a major milestone for their developing business. However, over the past year as economic challenges have mounted, securing capital has proven more challenging.
Opinion by " Greg Blin
Solving liquidity challenges for founders and early-stage investors
To build profit you need to build people and teams
Working with unicorn founders, global CEOs and Private Equity partners, Alex Kergall, CEO and Performance Coach at Altior has come to understand a raw truth that supersedes balance sheets, leveraged buyouts and market strategies : to build profit, you need to first build people and teams.
Opinion by " Alex Kergall
To build profit you need to build people and teams
Sustainable business: building a greener and ethical future
No one can deny the significance of holding a sustainable environment in this business landscape. However, with its unprecedented accessibility and convenience, e-commerce has completely changed how we purchase in the current digital era. That being said, it is now essential for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices in order to make a contribution to a greener future, given increasing concerns regarding environmental sustainability.
Opinion by " Elis Enano
Sustainable business: building a greener and ethical future
Deeptech becomes sexy as digital and physical tech converges
2024 marks the dawn of a new industrial revolution fuelled by converging digital and physical technologies. Deeptech barriers are crumbling, and startups are poised to lay the foundation for a more intuitive and accessible future.
Opinion by " Christian Noske
Deeptech becomes sexy as digital and physical tech converges
Rust Out - The warning signs and what to do about them
In September last year, in the UK, sickness had hit the highest levels they have been for 10 years with mental health issues being within the top four causes of sick leave – and arguably contributing to the other top three. However, when we think of mental ill health or stress at work, ‘burnout’ naturally comes to mind.
Opinion by " Audrey Tang
Rust Out - The warning signs and what to do about them
OmniIndex announces AI predictions for 2024: sustainability, security and finding AI use cases
Despite AI’s potential, in 2024 users will prioritise tech’s environment impact, the security and privacy of their own data and return to crucial technologies like web3 and blockchain.
Opinion by " David Johnson
Meet OmniIndex, a Web3 Data Platform committed to protecting your data
Five new marketing trends to watch out for in 2024
AI will take over, the metaverse will run its course, Apple's headset will revive VR and AR; as we look towards 2024 we continue to see a tirade of news surrounding the latest technological shifts to come and the associated marketing impact.
Opinion by " Sarah Groves
Five new marketing trends to watch out for in 2024

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