Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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AI uptake in entertainment industry stalling because of focus on AI-generated content
Tim Levy, CEO of AI startup Twyn, has warned that AI uptake in the media and entertainment sectors is now “at risk of stalling” because of an “infatuation” amongst the tech industry, media, and public with using Generative AI (Gen AI) for the generation of content – leading to neglect for wider use cases.
Opinion by " Tim Levy
Visual noise and real information: how to stay on brand in 2024
As 2024 starts, Hugo Timm, Senior Creative at Frontify takes a look at the creative landscape of brands to see things that will go, things that are here to stay, and reflects on a way to embrace it all
Opinion by " Hugo Timm
Visual noise and real information: how to stay on brand in 2024
Common Mistakes to avoid on LinkedIn
With over 1billion users, you'd think the platform would be buzzing, and yet only 1% are actively posting. Can you hear that? It’s the sweet sound of opportunity knocking, and LinkedIn holds the key to your professional success!
Opinion by " Evelyn Oluwole
Evelyn Oluwole
Why you should trust your employees to work more flexibly
Every single person at your company would benefit from the ability to work flexibly. Memories of the pandemic may have forged a connection between remote work and stress, but when implemented thoughtfully, it can be leveraged to everyone’s benefit.
Opinion by " Kayla Ihrig
Why you should trust your employees to work more flexibly
Love and laptops: tips on conquering work, and romance, as a team
Relationships can be hard enough at the best of times, but add the additional dynamic of working together, and you have to balance two partnerships: the business and the relationship, which can sometimes seem impossible.
Opinion by " Hayley Knight
Hayley Knight
How the many faces of AI can improve B2B efficiency
Little over a year has passed since the introduction of ChatGPT changed the trajectory of AI, disrupting the entire tech space. With an increasing number of products and services set to adopt the technology, the global AI market is set to grow to $2T by 2030. But with all the excitement and sci-fi predictions, there is a tendency to overlook the practical impact that AI can have on businesses.
Opinion by " Ritam Gandhi
How the many faces of AI can improve B2B efficiency 14.02
How to tackle software pricing in 2024
2023 was another unpredictable year for the software landscape, forcing business leaders to focus not only on revenue growth, but also profitability. One of the key levers for achieving both is getting pricing right, which will not only deliver a good value proposition to customers, but also ensure good margin performance.
Opinion by " Griffin Parry
How to tackle software pricing in 2024
How kindness and courtesy can improve the workplace
In the hustle and bustle of the modern workplace, where deadlines loom large and productivity is a constant pursuit, the significance of kindness and courtesy can sometimes be overlooked. However, fostering a culture of respect and consideration within the workplace can have profound effects on employee well-being, collaboration, and overall organizational success. In this article, we'll delve into how kindness and courtesy can significantly improve the workplace environment.
Opinion by " George Mathew
How kindness and courtesy can improve the workplace
How can we engage young Ukrainian refugees in education, nearly two years on from start of the war?
Millions of people had to leave Ukraine since February 2022. They left their homes to seek refuge in the EU and neighbouring countries, leaving millions of children without education, disruption to their lives and estrangement from their friends and family.
Opinion by " Salvatore Nigro
Salvatore Nigro
Is it more important for your IP to be protected or respected?
What’s in a name? A lot of lawsuits, if easyJet and its parent company’s recent exploits are anything to go by – but also, potentially, a loss of brand reputation.
Opinion by " Sally Tarbit
Is it more important for your IP to be protected or respected?
Why age is just a number when starting a tech business
Founding a tech startup isn't an endeavour reserved for the “young”. While there might be famed stories of young Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all beginning businesses at an early age, there are plenty of examples where founders turned their hand to beginning a tech start-up at a later stage in their career too.
Opinion by " Lesley Calland
Why age is just a number when starting a tech business
How to keep a team engaged on a journey of positive disruption
Forget about the cliché of the swaggering leader who can do no wrong. We all have strengths and weaknesses, however committed we are to our purpose and driving our organisation forward to achieve our goals. We are, after all, human. Plus, if the disruptive ambition is substantial, we’d be a fool to try to go it alone. This means we need resources. Resources are the fuel that helps our fire burn.
Opinion by " Mark Bateman
How to keep a team engaged on a journey of positive disruption
Beyond the Buzz: A Venture Capitalist's guide to sustainable investment strategies
In the fast-paced world of venture capital, the allure of the latest market trends often captures significant attention and investment. However, this fascination with the newest and most popular sectors carries considerable risks.
Opinion by " Nicolai Chamizo
Beyond the Buzz: A Venture Capitalist's guide to sustainable investment strategies
How to use AI for budgeting and saving money: A complete guide
A growing number of businesses are utilising artificial intelligence, or AI, to aid with tasks like medical diagnosis and customer support. In the field of artificial intelligence, chatbots such as ChatGPT, Jasper, Bard, Bing Chat, and Pi have gained popularity. With the use of prompts and interaction, chatbots enable users to ask questions and get responses.
Opinion by " Evelyn Johnson
How to use AI for budgeting and saving money : A complete guide

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