Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Don't feed the bad sales after midnight: tips from Gremlins
Continuing with her holiday series, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, emphasises the necessity of setting proper rules – from maximising your customer-facing value through a playbook, to the tricky validation of a compensation plan. But beware! Overlooking the implementation of basic rules might get you in as much trouble as having to deal with Gremlins.
Opinion by " Caroline Franczia
How to start a company with no outside investment
As a career entrepreneur, I wear the customer-first badge. Proudly. I strongly believe raising money through customer sales is the best option, and in a lot of cases, it should be the only option.
Opinion by " Joe Procopio
Sukhi Jutla's journey into Blockchain
Sukhi Jutla is an award-winning entrepreneur and author of 3 books and made global headlines in 2018 when she became the World’s First #1 Bestselling ‘Blockchain’ Author. Here she shares her journey into the game-changing world of Blockchain.
Opinion by " Sukhi Jutla
Frank Restuccia: ‘I wish I learned to code when I was a kid’
As a father of two young children, I have recently been contemplating what skills they’ll need to thrive in the world of tomorrow. If I could speak to my six-year-old self, I would spend more time learning to code. I strongly believe that coding has become a foundational skill that has value across many disciplines. Every child should have the opportunity to learn to code from an early age.
Opinion by " Frank Restuccia
Seven signs you’re stuck on autopilot
Have you ever driven or walked somewhere only to realise you can’t remember a single part of the journey? Or driven or cycled to the wrong destination and wondered what you’re doing there?
Opinion by " Bridget Rooth
What makes a good business idea?
A few weeks ago I decided to cut my bangs as it seemed like a good idea. It wasn't. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision and I've regretted it ever since. Don't worry, this article is not about my hair - it's about business ideas and how to create good ones. And how to avoid basing business ideas on thoughtless impulses.
Opinion by " Magdalena Bibik
How the Hunger Games can help you come up with a prospecting masterplan
This week, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, addresses the most challenging part of developing a business: reaching out to prospects and gaining their attention to convert them. Much like the Hunger Games, successfully mastering this game requires fire and resilience, two qualities Caroline has identified in Katniss Everdeen.
Opinion by " Caroline Franczia
Meaningless messaging demeans us all
It’s very natural for humans to see something working for other people and want a piece of it for themselves. This is why you see trends and memes sweep through the industry - just think of all the times you have heard pitches including “X is broken” or “we’re democratising Y”.
Opinion by " Max Tatton-Brown
Innovating our way out of lockdown with Zak Moore & Keith Burnett
2020 involved a whole lot more rapid innovation than anyone was expecting, with almost every team in every organisation having to find ways to do more work ‘virtually’ through digital networking.
Opinion by " Zak Moore & Keith Burnett
From Venture Capitalists to Venture Catalysts
Dan Simmons, founder of UK launch accelerator for early stage founders, Propelia, discusses the changing funding ecosystem for startups and early stage founders and looks at how the investment world is keeping pace with a more purposeful business ecosystem.
Opinion by " Dan Simmons
Why the UK startup ecosystem must embrace racially diverse talent
Diversity and inclusion are a crucial part of innovation, technology, and the startup ecosystem. So why is investment, support and self-sustainability among minority-led startups in the UK still lagging?
Opinion by " Simon Lovick
How the best ideas are born
Are you one of those people who come up with great ideas on the go? Who have dozens of ideas up their sleeve, ready to be shared with the world and turned into unicorns? No? Then maybe this article will you get closer to becoming an idea generation mastermind.
Opinion by " Magdalena Bibik
Five recession lessons from a survivor
Maddyness hears from David Morel, Founder and CEO of Tiger Recruitment, who shares his advice from both 2008 and 2020 to help businesses to manage productivity, support mental health and follow government guidance during a crisis.
Opinion by " David Morel
Invest with impact, purpose and meaning to manage your “wealthbeing”
We’ve all heard of ‘wellbeing’ in the personal sense, but how does that translate when we look at the investor landscape? The combination of impact investment and philanthropy, even sharing expertise with another brings about 'wealthbeing' – using ones wealth to have a positive impact on society and/or the environment, something investors should be looking to integrate into their portfolios now and firmly into the 2020s.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with HSBC Private Banking

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